Von Puppen und Hunden

Von Puppen und Hunden

Montag, 3. August 2020

Geschafft! / We made it!

Cindy und Beppo hatten es sehr eilig, zu den Blaubeersträuchern zu kommen.

Cindy and Beppo were in a hurry to reach the blueberry bushes.

Hurra! Wir waren schneller als die Waschbären!

Yippee! We beat the raccoons!

Jetzt ein bisschen herumsitzen und verdauen....
Beppo würde noch ein paar Blaubeeren vertragen.

Now just sit around for a while and digest...
Beppo feels he could use some more blueberries.

Obwohl es hier kaum regnet, blüht es überall.

Though it scarcely rains here, there are flowers everywhere.

Du hast genug vom Blumen ansschauen?
Oh - du brauchst jetzt mehr Blaubeeren! Hoffentlich bekommen sie dir.

You've had enough of looking at flowers?
Oh - you need more blueberries just now? I hope you won't get sick.

3 Kommentare:

  1. Beppo! So many blueberries cannot be good even for a dog! You will get the sore stomach and then terrible mess could happen!
    I'm sure Cindy will make sure you get just enough and not too much :)

  2. Oh dear, I hope he wasn't sick with all those berries. I know that when I eat too many of my favourite fruit, cherries, I get a tummy ache and that's not good. Doesn't stop me though!!!

  3. I believe my dachshunds think getting sick is just a part of their life, nothing to worry about - so it's my task to make sure they don't get sick on the carpet!
    If Beppo was sick, he missed the carpet...
