Von Puppen und Hunden

Von Puppen und Hunden

Samstag, 23. April 2022

Der Piraten-Lavasee / The pirates‘ lava lake

Die Sonne scheint, aber früh am Morgen ist es noch recht kühl.

The sun is shining, but it‘s still chilly in the early morning hours.

Neil und Marty haben für die Hunderunde Jacke und Cape über die neuen Shirts gezogen. Wenn man nicht friert macht Wandern mehr Spaß.

Neil and Marty teamed their new shirts with jacket and cape. Hiking is so much more fun when you‘re not freezing.

Plötzlich ändert sich das Gelände. Vor ihnen liegt eine merkwürdige dunkle Fläche. Das ist doch Asche? Misty schnuffelt aufgeregt. Was könnte das sein?

Suddenly the environment changes. A strange dark area lies in front of them. This seems to be ashes? Misty is sniffing excitedly. What could it be?

Ein Lavasee, ruft Neil. Hier muss ein Vulkan ausgebrochen sein!

A lava lake, Neil calls. Certainly a volcano has erupted!

Mamis Erklärungsversuch, es könnten auch die Reste eines Osterfeuers sein, findet keine Zustimmung. Aber vielleicht haben hier Piraten eine Festung niedergebrannt, schlägt Marty vor.

Mummy‘s attempt at explaining, it might be the remnants of an Easter fire, is not approved. But maybe pirates burned down a stronghold here, Marty suggests.

Ob es hier sicher ist? Es ist ein unheimlicher Ort. Aber – auch romantisch.

Is it safe here? It‘s an eerie place. But – romantic, too.

6 Kommentare:

  1. Surely this must be a place where pirates have burnt something. Maybe they disguised their mischief as Easter fire. But in truth, it has been the burning of a stronghold. Yep. You've got it, boys!

    1. Weeelll the problem is I can't remember any stronghold anywhere near this place in the past.. perhaps they burned something more movable, like a wagon fort...

  2. Or maybe a meteor crashed there? Certainly mysterious, whatever it is.

    1. That's a possibility! So sad I missed the sight of the meteor crashing, must have been quite impressive and better watched from a distance...

  3. Definitely the site of a dastardly deed! What could have happened at this place? A fire to keep the prates warm while they planned their next attack. A fire while they cooked an innocent boy to find out where the treasure was hidden? The ash from a rocket blast as alien's decided it was safer to go home than stay on this planet?
    Mmm the boys will have to keep watch..

    1. Well I really hope no one cooked a boy here - but I like the spaceship theory. Aliens vising our planet in these times certainly will flee screaming as fast as they can!
