Von Puppen und Hunden

Von Puppen und Hunden

Dienstag, 14. August 2018

Es wächst wieder etwas / Something grows again

Während der Garten beim Zwergenhaus vertrocknet, kann ich den zu Hause wenigstens gießen, und er erholt sich so langsam vom Hagel.

While the garden at the GnomeHome is withering, I can water the one at home, and it slowly recovers from the hail.

Die Kästen musste ich neu bepflanzen, aber ein paar von den Sonnenblumen am Zaun haben überlebt.

I had to re plant the boxes, but some of the sun flowers at the fence have survived.

Ronja schaut nach den Löwenmäulchen. Die waren weg nach dem Hagel, jetzt blühen sie ganz vorsichtig wieder.

Ronja looks after the snapdragons. They had vanished after the hail, now they carefully start flowering again.

Na ja sehr vorsichtig....  / Well very carefully...

Außen am Zaun kehrt die Kapuzinerkresse zurück

Outside the fence, the nasturtium returns

Die riesigen, zwei Meter hohen Sonnenblumen... aber es waren mal doppelt so viele!

The giant, two metres tall sun flowers... but there used to be twice as many!

7 Kommentare:

  1. The wonders of nature! No matter how hard it's treated it will return! So nice that some of your plants are starting to return and grow again.
    I hope that the gnome house garden is getting some of the rain that appeared for a while. The sunflowers look lovely and big!

    1. Yes I'm so glad the sunflowers survived. It started raining at last. I hope it's not too late for the Gnome Home garden.

  2. What a pretty girl doing your gardening. I looked everywhere in my area for snapdragons this year, but couldn't find any. Your plants look very lush :-)

    1. And a well dressed girl... she is so lucky, she wears one of our two cherished Frances Trickett outfits.

  3. Der Kommentar wurde von einem Blog-Administrator entfernt.

  4. I'm glad to see that things are picking up after the hail....it'll take time but slowly but surely, they'll come back to life again...as we can see here :)

    1. Still, we didn't need that hail.... I hope the tomatoes will get enough time to ripen.
