Im Zwergenhaus hat es genug Platz, um endlich mal wieder unsere Weihnachtskrippe aufstellen zu können. Das war seit Jahren nicht mehr möglich.
At the GnomeHome, at last we have space enough to set up our nativity scene. We hadn't done that for years.
Manche Figuren haben wir seit über 30 Jahren. In diesem Jahr habe ich nur den Stall neu bauen müssen.
Some of the figurines have been with us for more than 30 years. This year, I only built a new stable.
Alles in der Krippe ist selbst gebastelt. Meine Mutter machte die ältesten Personen, meine Schwester die meisten der Schafe, der Rest ist von mir. Ich glaube wir haben das einzige Krippenyak in Deutschland!
All the items in this scene are home made. My mum made the oldest persons, my sis most of the sheep, I made the rest. I believe ours is Germany's one and only nativity scene yak!
Könige von Muttern, Königinnen, Tiere und Personal von mir.
Kings by Mum, queens, animals and footmen by me.
Die Heilige Familie (von Muttern) und alle hier wünschen
Frohe Weihnachten!
The Holy Family (by Mum) and all here at NeverUschi wish you
Merry Christmas!
It's so good to hear from you Ursula! Merry Christmas to you and your family, and best wishes for 2019!
AntwortenLöschenThank you!
AntwortenLöschenI'm so sorry I didn't post for ages - I was distracted by several projects, and had to work longer - but I hope I'll do better next year.
Merry Christmas Ursula. What a lovely special Nativity you and your family have made and now nice that you now have space to display it.
AntwortenLöschenThank you for sharing it with us.
Greetings of the season from here in Spain Ursula, I have missed your blog posts.
AntwortenLöschenYour nativity scene is beautiful, it's lovely that you now have space to display it. It's great that you and your family actually made it, it makes it extra special.
Happy New Year to you and yours.
Big hugs xx