Pippa und Frankie treffen sich im Garten.
Pippa and Frankie meet in the garden.
Du hast im Wald auch ein Wildschwein gesehen? fragt Frankie.
You, too, have seen a boar in the forest?, Frankie asks.
Meins war riesig! Und es kam sehr nah! Die frechen Dackel hatten es aufgestöbert. Ich hatte Glück dass nichts passiert ist.
Mine was huge! And it came so close! The cheeky dachshunds had rounded it up. I was lucky nothing happened.
Meins war eher klein. Und so niedlich! Und ziemlich zutraulich. Ich glaube es hatte gar keine Angst.
Mine was quite small. And so cute! And pretty trusting. I believe it wasn‘t scared at all.
Meine beiden Steiff Wildschweine. Ich sehe keinen Größenunterschied…. Vom Pferd aus scheint manches kleiner als zu Fuß!
My two Steiff boars. I don‘t see much of a difference in size…. Seen from horseback, some may look smaller than by foot.
Mmm Boys do enlarge the details to make the facts so much more exciting for their audience , especially their friends and family :)
AntwortenLöschenThat's true - but of course it was less scary for Pippa, as she could have escaped the boar easily, had it attacked.
LöschenThey both were a lucky find. Sometimes it pays to waste your time (as my children say) browsing through Ebay....