Von Puppen und Hunden

Von Puppen und Hunden

Freitag, 12. März 2021

Vorbereitungen / Preparations

Solange die Kinder überlegen, welches Mädchen am Großen Rennen teilnehmen soll, reitet vor allem einer Major:

While the children ponder on which girl will take part in the Big Race, it‘s mainly one boy riding Major:

Felix! Schließlich braucht er Training auf einem Rennpferd.

Felix! He needs his training on a race horse after all.

Die beiden passen gut zusammen. Sie haben Spaß daran, durch den Wald zu rasen.

This is a well matched couple. Both have fun racing through the forest.

Felix‘ Selbstvertrauen und Sicherheit haben offensichtlich zugenommen.

Felix‘ confidence obviously increased as did his routine.

Ich bin der König der Welt!

I‘m the king of the world!

7 Kommentare:

  1. Ooops. Now Peter is pale...

    1. I'm impressed, too - but a race is about speed, not acrobatics...

  2. Well Felix is an natural on the horses! Could almost be a circus rider ! I wonder if he was one before in another life !

    The photos and horses are wonderful , I especially like the one with Felix standing at the end.

    1. It was the very last shot before he lost balance... but of course he stood up and continued his ride ;)

  3. Thank you! Yes the horse was a very lucky find - and I had to be fast to take the photos with Felix standing on the saddle...

  4. meine Güte, sogar stehend auf dem Pferd, Felix ist echte "SPITZE"
