Von Puppen und Hunden

Von Puppen und Hunden

Sonntag, 2. Juli 2017

Unterwegs / Absent

Ich verbrachte die letzte Woche außer Reichweite eines Computers - mein Arbeitgeber schickte mich zu einer Fortbildung nach Freiburg.

I spent last week without access to a computer - my employer sent me to a training week in Freiburg.

Die Unterbringung ist provisorisch, in einer früheren Polizeischule, bis das neue Schulungszentrum gebaut wird.

They are building a new training centre. Meanwhile, it's all a bit make-shift in an ex police academy.

Das war mein Wohnheim - mein Fenster ist ganz hinten 2. von rechts im mittleren Stockwerk.

This is were I lived that week - my window is far right in the middle floor, second from right.
Aber in manchen Ecken sah es auch ganz hübsch aus.

The area had some nice views, too.

Um wenigstens ein Familienmitglied dabei zu haben, hatte ich Mortimer mitgenommen. Er schaut nach draußen - noch früh am Morgen, es ist gar nicht richtig hell.

To have at least one family member with me, I brought Mortimer. He's looking out of the window early in the morning, it's just dawning.

An den ersten Tagen war es fürchterlich heiß.
Mami? Warum stecken die Flaschen in Socken?
Das sind nasse Socken. Ich hab keinen Kühlschrank. So bleiben die Getränke halbwegs kühl.

The first days were scorching hot. 
Mummy? Why are the bottles wearing socks?
These are wet socks. I don't have a fridge, so I keep water and coke cool that way.

Jetzt ist es hell. Sollte ich raus gehen, Basketball spielen? Aber dazu ist es viel zu heiß - und einen Ball hab ich auch nicht.

Now it's bright day. Should I get out and play basketball? But it's much too hot - and I didn't bring a ball.

Eine super Entdeckung auf dem Wandbord! Ein dickes Buch!

But that's a great find on the shelf! A fat book!

Geh du nur Steuerrecht büffeln, Mama. Ich hab das Buch hier. Das handelt von Rittern und Königen! Bitte nicht stören...

You just go and hear some tax law, Mum. I have this book. It's about knights and kings! Please don't disturb...

7 Kommentare:

  1. I bet Mortimer was good company while you were away from home. He looks pretty independent but also good to have around. He must have made the time go by quickly. I hope the course was good, too.

    1. The course was useful, but also a challenge - very much to learn for one week! I was glad to have Mortimer as company in the evenings, and it was good he could find something to do on his own.

  2. It's good Mortimer went along to keep you company while you attended your course.
    Mortimer looks like the type of lad who can enjoy a good book while awaiting your return.
    I hope you enjoyed your course as much as Mortimer appears to be enjoying the book! :)

    1. Well, Mortimer's book probably was more fun than lessons on agricultural tax law. But I mustn't moan, my course was interesting too!

  3. Work training days! Been there, done that! Not very enjoyable, but I hope it was worth the while. Mortimer must have been great company for you. He looks like a good lad who won't get up to mischief when you're not around :) x

    1. The upside was, I met some very nice people there. And no housework for me, but three meals a day in a canteen was almost like a holiday... Freiburg is a pretty town, only it was so hot the first three days I preferred staying in my (not much) cooler room to sight seeing after work.

  4. It's always nice to have a dolly family member with us when we're away from home, isn't it? I never leave home for a trip without someone with me.
    It sounds like Mortimer was good to have around, even though it was hot. And what a great idea to use wet socks to keep your drinks cold, does it work well?
    Hugs x
