Von Puppen und Hunden

Von Puppen und Hunden

Montag, 18. September 2017


Freitags haben wir uns Ingolstadt angesehen. Eine sehr schöne Stadt! Dummerweise habe ich im Park keine Fotos gemacht.

On Friday, we visited Ingolstadt. A lovely city! Stupid me didn't take any photos in the park.

Aber dafür in der Altstadt: von diesem historischen Torturm

But in the historic centre: of this ancient gate tower

- und von der beeindruckenden Kirche. Das blöde Verkehrsschild wollte nicht aus dem Bild gehen, aber wenn ich es weg geschnippelt hätte, würde man unten links nicht meinen Mann mit den beiden Dackeln sehen!

- and of the impressive cathedral. The silly traffic sign didn't get out of the way - but if I had chopped it off, you couldn't spot my husband and the dachshunds in the lower left corner!

Die Dackel waren immerhin der Grund für den diesjährigen Urlaubsort: an unserem zweiten Wochenende dort fand ein SV-Agi-Bundesligalauf statt. Unsere erste Mannschaft wurde insgesamt Dritte! Archie trug viele viele Punkte dazu bei. Die zweite Mannschaft schaffte leider nur Platz elf - aber das war nicht Kunos Schuld.

The dachshunds were the reason for our choice of holiday region: on our second weekend  an agility challenge took place in Ingolstadt: premier league of the German Shepherds' Club. Our club's first team made third place in the end, and Archie achieved many many credits. The second team only was eleventh - but that was not Kuno's fault.

Grace bewundert die Ausbeute des Turnierwochenendes. Die Pokale links hat Archie gewonnen, den Pokal und die Schleifchen rechts Kuno. Brave Hunde!
Leider hab ich nicht gemerkt dass der Blitz nicht ausgelöst hatte...

Grace admires that weekend's individual trophies. The cups on the left side were won by Archie, the cup and the rosettes on the right side by Kuno. Good dogs!
I noticed too late my camera's flashlight hadn't worked...

7 Kommentare:

  1. Another lovely place to visit. Nice to see a tiny glimpse of Husband and dogs waiting patiently while you take photos :)

    Well done to Archie and Kuno and a nice lot of trophies and ribbons to take home with you :)

    1. Archie and Kuno would have preferred a nice dog biscuit - but they did well anyway.
      Yes Ingolstadt is very pretty. I was surprised, as I had thought it might be mainly a large car factory.

  2. Congratulations on your trophies!! We too love doggies. We have a Dandie Dinmont Terrier. She is a re-homed dog after her elderly owner had to go into a home and her family didn't want her dog :( Our little fur-baby is named Ginger. We also had Ginger's great-granddad, Harlow; who had been a world champion in many dog shows and when he was no longer a show dog he was re-homed with us. He was a beautiful boy and we loved him dearly. Before him we had a lovely old boy named Taffy. Dogs are the most wonderful and beloved companions :) Jane

    1. That's great. The Dandie Dinmont Terrier is one of the rough haired dachshund's ancestors. Our dogs also are related: Kuno is Archie's nephew, and our first dog, Dagobert, was Archie's dad.
      It's very sad when a family doesn't want a late relative's dog. But it's good Ginger found a good new home with you!

  3. Well done to Archie and Kuno!!! What a great pair they are!
