Von Puppen und Hunden

Von Puppen und Hunden

Donnerstag, 14. September 2017

Unterwegs / On tour

Dienstags fuhren wir einfach ein bisschen spazieren, stiegen hier und da aus, wo es hübsch aussah, und liefen ein bisschen mit den Hunden. Gar nicht so einfach - denn in der Gegend sieht es fast überall hübsch aus!

On Tuesday, we just drove around, stopped here and there at pretty places, walked the dogs. It was not an easy choice - in this area, it is pretty almost everywhere!

Was gibt es denn hier schon wieder zu sehen? Warum haben wir angehalten?

What can be seen here? Why did we stop?

Oh - Aussicht! Die Straße führt über den Berg, und oben ist ein kleiner Parkplatz.

Oh - a view. The road crosses a hill, and near the top is a small parking lot.

Unten liegt das wunderschöne Riedenburg, bekannt vor allem für gutes Bier.

Down in the valley the beautiful Riedenburg, a town known for excellent beer.

Bier? Mag ich nicht. Aber fahren wir trotzdem runter!

Beer? Not for me. But let's drive down there anyway!

5 Kommentare:

  1. What a lovely view of the countryside. Grace looks to be having a wonderful time seeing all the sights and thankfully staying off the beer! ;)

    1. Well that was a shame. They make very tasty organic beer in Riedenburg!

  2. It reminds me of the valley and castle at Waldkirch, lovely forest and river valley with the town. Your girl is looking fresh as a daisy in her dress and cardigan.

    1. I was surprised how good she looked in these colours. She could use the cardigan, it was cool for the season.

  3. So much to see and do. I've always enjoyed caravan holidays like this.
    ..coming and going just as you please!
