Von Puppen und Hunden

Von Puppen und Hunden

Donnerstag, 19. Juli 2018

Hoffnung / Hope

Der Garten hatte nach dem Hagelschauer ein bisschen Zeit sich zu erholen.

After the hail, the garden had some time to recover.

Milo schaut nach der überlebenden Tomate. Sie stand nah an der Hauswand.
Ich glaub, ich seh da ein paar neue Blätter!

Milo looks after the surviving tomato. It had been placed close to the wall.
I think I see some fresh leaves!

Und ich sehe noch was Besseres:

And I spy something even better:

Eine kleine Tomate! / A small tomato!

Die Zucchini versucht zu flüchten und wächst neben ihrem Topf weiter.

The zucchini tries to escape and grows on next to its pot.

Normalerweise rankt diese Sorte nicht. Aber sie blüht wieder.

This sort usually grows very compact and has short twines. But it's blooming again.

Die Erbsen schlagen wieder aus. / The peas are sprouting again.

Und die Physalis müssen sich geduckt haben - die hatten, obwohl sie mitten im Hochbeet stehen, kaum was abgekriegt.

And the physalis probably ducked when it hailed - they were almost unharmed, though they had been exposed in the middle of the raised bed.

Das lässt hoffen! / That's a reason for hope!

4 Kommentare:

  1. Well that is good news! I'm glad that the plantlife has survived the heavy rain and is showing it's resilience!

    1. Not all of them survived - but the fittest, I guess!
      But it takes its time to recover.

  2. So good that there are still a few things alive and ready to recover, amazing how it can destroy most things but one thing will appear as if it wasn't even there when it happened!
    The Physalis looking perfectly fine is a very good reason for hope :)

  3. Hope and fingers crossed from the Brood Remainers that all survive and go onto flourish.
