Von Puppen und Hunden

Von Puppen und Hunden

Montag, 8. März 2021

Fast perfekt / Almost perfect

Papa war sehr fleißig. Auch Mama hat sich eingebracht.

Daddy has been very busy. Mummy also took part in the job.

OK, der Umbau ist so weit fertig. Isolde, Luise und Scarlett schauen ob die Vorgaben der Götz-Rotschöpfe umgesetzt wurden.

Well, the modifications seem finished. Isolde, Luise, ad Scarlett are checking if the Götz reds‘ guidelines were followed.

Mit dem Anstrich hätte man sich mehr Mühe geben können, findet Isolde. Aber Mama hat nur das Nötigste gestrichen – sie wollte den antiken Shabby Chic Charme des Wagens möglichst erhalten.

The paint job could have been done with some more effort, Isolde thinks. But Mummy coated only where urgently necessary – she wanted to preserve the wagon‘s antique Shabby Chic charme.

Stabil wirkt er jetzt jedenfalls, denken Luise und Scarlett.

It certainly seems sturdy now, Luise and Scarlett believe.

Er bietet reichlich Platz für uns drei. Ida und Vivienne können sich bestimmt dazu quetschen.

There‘s plenty of room for the three of us. Ida and Vivienne can easily squeeze in, too.

Aber etwas Wichtiges fehlt für die stylische Ausfahrt: Kutscher! Ein Pferd!!!

But for driving in style something essential is missing: Coachmen! Bring us a horse!!!

5 Kommentare:

  1. LOL I love Isolde saying the paint job could have been done with more effort!!
    But I agree it is nice to keep it's shabby chic look. There is plenty of room for all the girls it would seem.
    I wonder how many horses they will need to pull their elegant carriage.. and will they need a coachman and some outriders....

    1. Weeeellll they'd love a coachman, but they'll have to go without, else they won't fit in together. But outriders.... interesting point....

  2. Thank you! Yes they are. I had that wagon for several years, I bought it as a doll pram, but the auctioneer made a tiny mistake: instead of 25cm, it's 52 cm tall! So no Sasha can push it, but now at last it found its destination.
