Von Puppen und Hunden

Von Puppen und Hunden

Samstag, 31. Juli 2021

Botanik / Botanics

Davy war zuletzt vor etwa einem Jahr im Zwergenhaus. Jetzt sieht er nach, was sich im Garten verändert hat.

It‘s been about a year since Davy visited the GnomeHome the last time. Now he has to look if there were changes in the garden.

Die Wicken, die die Terrasse überrannt haben, blühen.

The sweet peas that overran the deck are in bloom.

Überall Wicken! Hier sind sie sogar in einen Baum geklettert. Mami sagt das ist ok, weil Wicken gut für die Bodenfruchtbarkeit sind.

Sweet peas everywhere! Here, they even climbed into a tree. Mummy says it‘s ok as sweet peas are good for the soil‘s fertility.

Auch die weiße Variante breitet sich immer mehr aus. Davy schaut sie sich höflich an – so schrecklich an Blumen interessiert ist er aber nicht!

The white variation is spreading, too. Davy looks at them politely – it‘s not as if he gets too exited about flowers!

Das sieht schon vielversprechender aus! Noch sind die Äpfel nicht reif, aber bald – und der Baum steht so praktisch am Hang dass man nicht mal klettern muss!

This looks much more promising! The apples are not ripe yet, but soon they will be – and as their tree is growing in the slope handily, you needn‘t even climb!

6 Kommentare:

  1. Uschi your sweet peas are beautiful! I love their smell, and you are right they are good for the soil. Pity Davy doesn't really appreciate them, like all boys he thinks about his tummy first and only has eyes for the apples. 🤣
    Big hugs,

    1. I love them, too, and luckily the GnomeHome's garden is large enough for them to spread.

  2. What lovely sweetpeas that have reached up inot the trees.
    Davy is eyeing up those apples knowing that when the time is right he can pick his own and not need a ladder !

  3. Everything looks so lush and healthy.

    1. It is - our first summer when it rained sometimes. We were lucky and didn't have any flooding, though.
