Von Puppen und Hunden

Von Puppen und Hunden

Freitag, 1. April 2022

Eine Frage des Stils / A matter of style

Mami hat endlich ihre (für sie) neue Bernina Nähmaschine in Betrieb genommen. Ein tolles Gerät! Danke Oma!!

At last, Mummy tried out her new (to her) Bernina sewing machine. A great device! Thank you Granny!!

Oliver trägt das Ergebnis. Der Pulli ist älter, die Hose neu, und die Boots stammen aus unserer letzten Wagner-Lieferung. Leider hat irgend ein Idiot in dem Kunstwerk im hohlen Baum herum gekritzelt.

Oliver is wearing the result. The sweater is older, the boots are from Wagner‘s latest delivery. It‘s a shame some moron scribbled nonsens into the piece of art in the hollow tree.


Oliver hat andere Bedenken. Mami? Sollte ein Junge gelbe Hosen tragen?

Oliver is concerned about something else. Mummy? Is a boy meant to wear yellow trousers?

Gelbe Hosen sind ok, sagt Mortimer. Aber dieser lila Streifen am Halsausschnitt? Weiß nicht…

Yellow trousers are alright, Mortimer says. But this purple stripe at the neckline? I‘m not certain...

Pfff, der lila Streifen ist mindestens so elegant wie dein Versuch etwas Gelbes zu tragen! Gehört das Halstuch etwa Mamis Hund? Ich glaube jetzt sind wir gleich schick!

Pshaw, the purple stripe is at least as stylish as your attempt at wearing something yellow! Doesn‘t the kerchief belong to Mummy‘s dog? I think we‘re equally chic now!

5 Kommentare:

  1. Very stylish, both, the yellow trousers and the purple stripe. Aww you've got spring there - here it SNOWS!!! Looks like Christmas...

    1. Weeeell - the photos were taken last Sunday, when it was warm and nice and sunny. Today the sight from my window is quite different!

  2. The dog's kerchief ! ha ha it does look good though!
    And yellow trousers are 'The@ trend of the moment and that Mummy has a new sewing machine and can make them... result !

    1. It might be a wee bit too large - but I couldn't do better, and as Mortimer didn't mind, certainly our Archie didn't care!
      Yes I believe yellow trousers are the dernier cri right now.

  3. tja was soll man da sagen? Ich finde das auch Jungs gelbe Hosen tragen dürfen......
