Von Puppen und Hunden

Von Puppen und Hunden

Montag, 14. November 2016

Im Haus aktiv / indoor activities

Meine Babies haben endlich Wintersachen an!

My babies have winter gear at last!

Den Pulli für Mikey hat meine Mutter gestrickt. Die Latzhose ist leider seine einzige und ein bisschen eng dazu - aber ich komme gerade nicht zum Nähen, und ich habe keine passenden Knöpfe.
Baby trägt einen Spielanzug mit Mütze, den ich bei Ebay gekauft habe, von stich-sew-cute. Der Name ist Programm.

My mum knitted Mikey's sweater. The dungarees are his only ones and a little too tight with the sweater, but to sew him larger ones I can't find the time at the moment - neither the buttons.
Baby wears a play suit set I bought on Ebay from stich-sew-cute - and it is just as the seller's name said!

Übers Wochenende war ich auf einer großen Hundeausstellung, der IRAS in Karlsruhe, als Ringhelfer zum Richterberichte tippen. Eher stressig, aber man sieht eine Menge hübsch gemachte Hunde, auch Rassen die nicht an jeder Straßenecke herum stehen.

This weekend I worked on the ring at a large international dog show in Karlsruhe, IRAS, typing evaluations. That was a lot of work, but it was fun to see so many perfectly groomed dogs, sometimes very exotic breeds.

Felix hab ich mitgeschleppt, aber ich konnte ihn nicht mit auf die Messe nehmen, viel zu wenig Zeit - so bekam der Ärmste nur das prächtige Hotelzimmer zu sehen.

I had brought Felix, but I couldn't take him inside, too little time, so all the poor kid saw was the lovely hotel room.

Diese kleine Pringles-Packung hat die richtige Größe für mich!

That box of Pringles is the suitable size for me!

Wie die kostet extra und nicht zu knapp? Menno!

So they would charge this extra, and not cheap at all? Shoot!

6 Kommentare:

  1. Antworten
    1. He arrived here mint in box - it's such fun to free a doll from its box and give it a change of clothes at last!

  2. What ever happened to "Kids eat free"? It's nice that he was a good little boy and didn't get into mischief while you were busy.

    1. That concept is nearly unknown in Germany. Kids pay less and get much less - well it's the plate and service you pay for I guess, not what's on the plate.

  3. Oh well, at least Felix got out of the house for a weekend ;)
    The babies look warm and cosy in their winter outfits....I'm ashamed to say that my two babies are both naked as the day they were 'born'!!!!

  4. Cute babies and lovely little winter outfits for them. I better get cracking and change mine into winter wear...if I have any...

    Hopefully Felix wasn't too disappointed about not getting out and about. Glad you enjoyed the show.
