Die anderen wollten das mit dem Riesenmaulurf verständlicherweise nicht glauben. Nur Harley geht schließlich nachschauen.
It's understandable the others didn't believe there was a giant mole on the bedroom window sill. At last, Harley goes to have a look.
Sicherheitshalber hat sie einen Spaten mitgebracht. Man weiß ja nicht wie der Maulwurf drauf ist!
She brought a spade for security. You never know what the mole is up to!
Aber an der beschriebenen Stelle ist niemand mehr.
But there's no one at the place Cinnamon had described.
Nur ein Loch im Kompost.
Just a tunnel in the compost.
Weit kann er doch in der kurzen Zeit nicht gekommen sein?
Well he can't have moved far in that short time span.
Da ist er ja - einen Blumentopf weiter.
There he is - one flower pot beyond.
Wo kommst du denn her? Aus dem Land der Riesenmaulwürfe?
Sein Schildchen sagt Maxi. Da ist was dran.
Now where are you from? The land of giant moles?
His tag says Maxi. There's some truth in that.
Aber er ist ganz freundlich, und er guckt ein bisschen verloren.
But he seems friendly, he just looks a little lost.
Mama! Da ist ein Riesenmaulwurf im Topf vom Olivenbaum!
Der gehört zu einem Konvolut Steifftiere, das ich im Dezember ersteigert habe. Leider nicht ganz maßstabsgerecht - aber so niedlich!
Mummy! There's a giant mole in the olive tree pot!
He's part of a lot of Steiff animals I won at the December auction. Not quite in scale - but so cute!
OK MaxiMole - ich such dir einen Platz wo du besser aufgehoben bist!
Alright MaxiMole - I'll bring you somewhere more comfy!
Der Pulli mit "Fächer"-Lochmuster - ein bisschen leuchtende Farbe an dunklen Tagen!
The sweater with an openwork design called "fan" - a bit of bright colour on dark days!
Now we know why he's a Maxi Mole hiding in the plants! This happens to us all when we try to get things for our dolls.
AntwortenLöschenHe looks friendly enough.
What a lovely sweater Harley is wearing beautiful work on the design and yes a colour to brighten these winter days
I know orange is not your favourite colour... but in these months, it's like vitamins for the eyes!
LöschenHow cute is Maxi!! He is super!
AntwortenLöschenAnd so much more lawn friendly than a living mole!
LöschenWhat a cuddly little guy! I'm glad the spade was not necessary. Harley has such pretty eyes, and I love the sweater, both the design and color.
AntwortenLöschenHarley is a LE Harlequin, and I believe that girl is the 80s doll with the nicest eyes.
LöschenWhat a sweet little friend he is for your pretty girl. I love her orange sweater, it is perfect for brightening up dull winter days.
AntwortenLöschenToday it's sunny, but we had real dull days when I knitted it, and it was so nice to look at the bright wool.
LöschenA Steiff mole is the perfect company for anyone!
AntwortenLöschenI like the vintage Steiff animals very much - another reason why our poor little house is so stuffed with things!
LöschenOh what a sweet little mole, I love his bright orange nose.
AntwortenLöschenI also love your Harley's orange sweater, it's really nicely made and looks the perfect fit on her, and looks particularly good with her check skirt.