Von Puppen und Hunden

Von Puppen und Hunden

Montag, 27. Februar 2017

Umweltferkel! / Flytippers! Litterbugs!

Im Wald, nahe beim Parkplatz, fand Pamela am Sonntag ein Teil das sicher nicht dort hin gehörte.

In the forest, close to the parking lot, Pam found on Sunday something that surely didn't belong there.

Das sieht ja fast aus wie ein Ofen! Eigenartig.

It almost looks like an oven! Strange.

Auf dieser Seite ist sogar eine Öffnung. Hoffentlich nicht für die Hexe, um Kinder rein zu schieben!

On this side, there even is an opening. I hope it's not for the witch to push children inside!

Oh! Nein, da ist kein Platz mehr für Kinder. Jemand hat diese Teile eines kaputten Gartengrills gleich mal als Müllkübel für seine Bierdosen benutzt.

Oh! No more room for children. Someone used these parts of a broken garden barbecue to dump their beer cans inside.

Von oben sieht das auch nicht besser aus.

Doesn't look better from the top.

Zur Deponie wär es doch sicher nicht weiter gewesen als in diesen Wald?

Pam trägt eine Latzhose aus dem NeueMode-Heft. Die Bluse hatte Emme an, als sie zu uns kam. Stiefel von Mimiwoo.

The way to the disposal site can't be so much farther than into this forest?

Pam wears dungarees out of the vintage NeueMode magazine. Emme wore the blouse when she came to live with us. Boots by Mimiwoo.

10 Kommentare:

  1. People are so lazy and need to be fined a big amount if they are found to be dumping things! Why will they drive it to somewhere and dump it when as you say they could drive to the recycling centre and get rid of it properly! It makes me soo angry!!!
    Pam looks lovely in her striped dungarees with her bright red shoes.

    1. To be caught dumping stuff is VERY expensive - unfortunately, most of those people don't get caught.

  2. Obviously that mess was not left by Sasha dolls. I firmly believe that they are all very committed environmentalists. I second Dee's comment on the dungarees - very cute.

    1. Absolutely. Pam was very puzzled how someone could be so stupid to abuse the forest as a dumpster.

  3. This really annoys me, not only is it a selfish, lazy act to dump rubbish but it certainly isn't fair on the wildlife that live there (:

    1. And I'm not amused when my dogs find some of the stuff first. After weekends, you can bet on stale food being left in recreation areas. So I try not to get too close to those barbecues...

  4. I hate it when the countryside is littered with rubbish, it just doesn't make sense for people not to enjoy their environment and keep it nice for others, never mind themselves. I find the same with the beach. Fortunately every morning a team of cleaners comes along and picks up any rubbish that has been left but some things are left and aren't picked up because they're not seen, such as fishing line and fishing hooks which are dangerous if trodden on. It only takes a few minutes to pick up rubbish and take it home with us or to the appropriate disposal point but some people are just too darn lazy.
    PS I love her outfit and those dungarees are very cute indeed.

    1. I first thought the dungarees are too tight, but they fit surprisingly well.

  5. Unfortunately 'fly tipping,' as it's known here, is on the increase and isn't being helpful when those good, responsible people want to do the right thing and take their rubbish to the tips by the new rules and regulations and subsequent payments that have recently been imposed on our re-cycling sites.

    1. In our Landkreis, we don't get charged for most of the rubbish we bring to recycling centres. There are only a few exceptions. I think that's a step in the right direction, and it makes it even more stupid to tip the stuff into the environment.
