Von Puppen und Hunden

Von Puppen und Hunden

Mittwoch, 8. Februar 2017

Überraschung / Surprise

Cinnamon steckt in einem Longpulli vom letzten Jahr! Aber beschwert sie sich deswegen?

Cinnamon was made to wear a long sweater I knitted last year! But does she protest?

Nein, sie hat andere Interessen. Sie nutzt den kurzen Sonnenschein und schaut nach Oma Alpenveilchen.

No, she finds other things more interesting. She is looking after Granny Cyclamen, while the sun is shining for a short while.

Bisschen gießen schadet nicht.

Won't hurt to water it a little.

Moment! War das ein Geräusch?

Just a moment! What was this sound?

Mal nachschauen - es kam von da drüben.

Let's look - it came from over there.

???? Was ist das denn?

??? What on earth is that?

Ein Maulwurf? Auf dem Fensterbrett? Im oberen Stockwerk?

A mole? On the window sill? In the upper floor?


So einen Mordsbrummer von Maulwurf hab ich noch nie gesehen. Ich hol mal die anderen.

Never seen a giant mole like this one. I'll go and fetch the others.

4 Kommentare:

  1. Wow! That must be one really long mole tunnel! Hopefully he's a friendly mole.

  2. I like the dress you knitted, especially the mix of the blue and variegated golds. I don't know what I'd think if I found a mole in my house!

  3. Goodness how did a mole travel inside the house! only time will tell. Love the sweater dress great colours.

  4. What a helpful girl she is tending to the house plants. I am sure she got a huge surprise to discover a mole up there! She looks very warm and snug in her lovely dress.
