Von Puppen und Hunden

Von Puppen und Hunden

Dienstag, 18. April 2017

Waldpflanzen / Planting in the forest

Am Karfreitag waren wir beim Ruheforst - da wo unser Baum steht hat es überhaupt keine Blumen! Weiter unten in der Anlage sind Anemonen, aber am Familiengrab nur trockene Blätter.
Gartenblumen anpflanzen ist verboten. Gegen heimische Waldblumen kann aber niemand was haben.

On Good Friday, we visited the Ruheforst - around our tree are no wild flowers at all! In the lower parts of the forest cemetery anemones grow, but our family grave is covered in dry leaves, and that's all.
It's prohibited to plant garden flowers, but no one will mind wood "weeds".

Candy posiert nicht nur, sie interessiert sich wirklich für Gartenarbeit, und so kam sie mit und half, die Maiglöckchen in die Erde zu bekommen. Die Schlüsselblume hatte meine Mutter mitgebracht.

Candy is not posing, she really likes gardening. So she came and helped to get the mayflowers into the ground. My mum had brought the primula.

Wenn das angeht, sieht es nächstes Frühjahr viel besser aus!

If this roots, next spring will be much more cheerful!

Näher am Baum noch Günsel und ein paar Anemonen, der Anfang ist gemacht.
Candys Kleid ist aus dem Neue Mode - Heft; Eve hatte es schon mit einem Pulli darüber getragen. So sieht es in voller Schönheit aus.

Closer to the tree some bugle weed and anemones, so we made a start.
Candy's dress is from the Neue Mode pattern magazine; Eve has already worn it with a sweater. That's how it looks on its own.

4 Kommentare:

  1. A weed is just a flower growing in the wrong place. This is a great idea. Candy looks pretty in her dress.

    1. So technically you can't call them weeds, because the forest is their right place.
      I like Candy in bright colours. But I'm not happy with the fit of the dress; the patterns in the magazine are meant for chubbier dolls.

  2. Candy looks like a bright splash of colour in the forest amongst all the leaves. She really is a little flower all by herself!

  3. Love Sharon's comment above...and I do like her dress!
    What a great idea to plant woodland plant 'weeds' here so that they will look like they are growing in their natural habitat. So much nicer than in many of our UK cemeteries where artificial flower arrangements, instead of fresh flowers, are now being left.
