Von Puppen und Hunden

Von Puppen und Hunden

Samstag, 4. November 2017

Durch die Röhre / Through the pipe

Frankie auf Entdeckungstour im Wald.

Frankie explores the forest.

Hey Mami, ein Riese hat ein Bündel Rohre verloren!

Look Mummy a giant lost a bundle of pipes!

Ob da wohl etwas drin ist?

Maybe there is something inside?

Nö, leer, aber ich kann durch klettern! Mal sehen was auf der anderen Seite ist.

No it's empty, but I can crawl through it! I wonder what is on the other side.

Oh. Der gleiche Wald wie drüben. Wie langweilig.

Oh. Just the same forest. How boring.

Aber der Weg dort - ich glaube der führt ganz weit weg. Komm wir schauen nach!

But the path over there - I believe it leads somewhere faraway. Come on, let's have a look!

4 Kommentare:

  1. I like Frankie's coat. Perhaps the other pipes have some lost treasure or maybe a frog in them. It looks like you still have a lot of green leaves. Where we live everything looks quite bare now.

    1. This autumn, it was unusually warm here. The first frost was tonight! So the leaves didn't get any colour and are falling from the trees almost green.
      So, I believe there is such a thing as global warming...

  2. Frankie is having a great adventure in the pipes!

    1. Yes, and he is getting a lot of healthy fresh air. That's win-win!
