Von Puppen und Hunden

Von Puppen und Hunden

Sonntag, 18. März 2018

Schnee? Och nee! / Snow? Oh no!

Ich habe in den letzten Tagen ein paar Blümchen gekauft und gesetzt und eine hübsche Tischdeko für den Terrassentisch gepflanzt. Ich habe große Pläne für unsere neue Hecke. Und was hatten wir heute früh?

Over the last days, I bought and planted some spring flowers, and I arranged a nice deck table decoration. I had huge plans for our new hedge. And what did we have this morning?

Rechts sieht man meine Tischdeko in einem kleinen alten Korb, oder würde sie sehen...

To the right the little old basket with its flower arrangement, if only it was visible...

Die Gartenarbeit verzögert sich weiter.

Garden work will be delayed again.

Milo fühlt sich mit verantwortlich für den Garten und ging gleich mal nachsehen.

Milo, who feels responsible for the garden, went outside to have a look.

Du Mama? Schau mal hier.

Mummy? Just look here.

Was für ein riesiger Fußabdruck! Bigfoot war in unserem Garten!
Hm, ich denke ich weiß wer das war...

What an enormous foot print! Bigfoot has been in our garden! 
Hm, I believe I know who did this...

Die Krokusse sehen eindeutig beleidigt aus.

The crocus positively look affronted.

Das Lungenkraut hat sich das auch anders vorgestellt.
Wir können so langsam keinen Schnee mehr sehen!!

The lungwort, too, had other plans.
And we are really fed up with snow!!

8 Kommentare:

  1. I am particularly taken with his knitwear. It's gorgeous.

    1. Thank you! It's a combination of two different sock wools, one of them self patterning - you can do so much with these yarns!

  2. Yes, we are tired of the snow too, although it's a little more tolerable when you're wearing such stylish and colorful knitwear like Milo has. Bigfoot in the garden? I'd better not show this to my Sasha!

    1. Alas, my feet are not ladylike and tiny, and with boots I leave gigantic marks... So, Sasha would have been disappointed.

  3. I feel your pain! What is this awful snowy weather that keep arriving so late ! Where's our nice spring weather? all our garden jobs and plans are on hold while we shelter inside in the warm against this icy bitter winds that accompany this snow!
    Milo , whose looking very snug in his lovely bright woolens, is so brave to venture outside in the snow to check over the garden where the poor spring plants are wondering whether to give up and wait until next year!
    I hope that's not 'big foot' in your garden but with this strange weather who knows.......

    1. Today was the first official spring day, and the snow is melting, but the night is cold again. All you can do about it is reading colourful garden magazines. One can always dream!

  4. Oh dear, that is NOT good, there goes the short sleeves anyway. I do like Milo's outfit though, he looks lovely and warm.
    As for the snow, honestly, hasn't Mother Nature thrown enough down already? Do you really need more?? Those poor little flowers, frozen in their prime! It's the same here with the rain though, I've had enough of extreme weather....bring on the spring please!!!!

    1. Before winter came back, we also had weeks of rain, so the ground was not frozen but muddy and you couldn't do anything in the garden. That's vexing, as my garden at home desperately needs some reconstruction after the new dry wall was built! But it will have to wait.
