Von Puppen und Hunden

Von Puppen und Hunden

Sonntag, 17. Juni 2018

Inzwischen / Meanwhile

Während wir im Zwergenhaus waren, kamen gleich 2 Pakete an. Gut dass mein Sohn zu Hause war und sie annehmen konnte!
Unbeaufsichtigt, wurden die Päckchen von innen geöffnet....

While we were at the GnomeHome, 2 parcels arrived almost simultaneously. How good my son was at home to receive them!
Put away unsupervised, the boxes were opened from the inside...

Erst mal umsehen - dann einander vorstellen....
Hi, ich bin Orlando!
Und ich bin Vivienne. Wo sind wir hier?

First look around - then get acquainted...  
Hi, I'm Orlando!
And I am Vivienne. Where are we here?

Ganz egal - das da ist eine Küche, und ich hab Hunger nach der Reise! Vielleicht liegt was Brauchbares auf dem Tisch?

Never mind - this is a kitchen, and I'm starving after the journey! Maybe there's something useful on the table?

Hah! Ja, da ist was in der Porzellandose!

Yes! There is something in the china container!

Essen? Ich brauche erst mal eine Haarbürste!

Food? First thing I need is a hair brush!

Eingelegter Fisch? Hmmmm.... aber der Hunger treibt's rein.

Pickled fish? Hmmmm....  but hunger is the best relish.

Vergiss den Fisch! Das da ist was Brauchbares!

Forget the fish! I just spotted something useful!

7 Kommentare:

  1. What wonderful parcels your son's takes in for you! Lucky they could get out and look around until you return.
    Typical that Orlando wants food , boys are always hungry and yes Vivienne will need to feel comfortable first and sort out her hair.
    She's a lovely no navel to join your family and a handsome gregor but I wonder if the little dog under the table is worried about these strangers eating all the food! he may attack their toes!

    1. Well I believe Bazille is worried - but as there are so many children in our house, she won't bite any. They might belong to the family!
      Only 9 short of a complete set of No Navels ;) - but one of every hair colour is a beginning! I'm so happy I won this lovely red head on German Ebay.

  2. What a couple of cute kids! I love their names. Having arrived on the same day, they will probably always have a special bond.

    1. Yes I believe they will. Having explored the house together will be something they'll always have in common.

  3. Oooooh great dolly parcels, the very best kind. Welcome to Orlando and Vivienne, it looks like they're settling in already!

  4. Yes they ARE the very best parcels! Only my son rolls his eyes when he sees them...

  5. Two superb additions to your Sasha family... AND arriving on the very same day. Such extravagance!
    Loving that kitchen set up!
