Von Puppen und Hunden

Von Puppen und Hunden

Donnerstag, 28. Juni 2018


Neulich kaufte ich einen wunderschönen Wollknäuel in "mille colori". Ich hab schon vier Pullis daraus gestrickt, und alle sind verschieden!

I bought a lovely wool ball recently, in a design called "mille colori". I already knitted 4 short sleeved sweaters from it, and they all are different!

Ich muss so langsam damit aufhören, sonst habe ich bald mehr Pullis als Sashas.

I'll have to stop this, else there will soon be more sweaters than Sashas.

Endlich richtig angezogen. So kann Orlando sich nach draußen trauen.

Dressed completely at last. So Orlando can show himself outside the building.

Hm, lohnt sich das? Groß ist der Garten ja nicht.

Hm, does it pay? That garden is not large!

Orlando hatte einen ganz kurzen Termin bei der Kosmetikerin. Grüne Augen finde ich schön. Grüne Brauen weniger....
Psst Mami nicht dass das noch jemand hört!!!!

Orlando hat a short meeting with a stylist. Green eyes are very nice, green eyebrows not...
Shsh Mummy, someone might hear you!!!

Ich weiß nicht warum es ein Problem sein soll sich neben die Zucchinipflanze zu stellen? MIR tut die nix!

I have no idea why there is a problem standing next to a zucchini plant? It doesn't harm ME!

OK der Garten ist klein. Aber manche Pflanzen sind groß!

OK the garden is tiny. But some plants are tall!

9 Kommentare:

  1. Those sweaters are gorgeous, such a beautiful range of colours. I say keep knitting I'm sure your Sasha could have two each :)
    Orlando looks very handsome in his new sweater with his new eyebrows..shhh...
    It must have been nice for him to finally get to go outside and see the garden maybe he'll help weed ? or is he just a manager :)

    1. Well, when I asked him he said something like "there are no weeds just flowers in wrong places". I'm afraid he is a philosopher, not a manager...

  2. "I'll have to stop this, else there will soon be more sweaters than Sashas." - of course the solution to this is to get more Sashas! My green eyed boy Gavin says hi to Orlando. He believes that the green eyed kids are special because they have to be aged like a fine wine to get that color!

    1. You are right! Getting more Sashas is not the problem but the solution. I'll try to explain this to my family who feel already slightly overrun by dolls.
      Orlando says hi to Gavin - and Emerald, my green eyed girl, too.

  3. Lovely boy, even with green eyebrows. The knitted tops look great too

    1. Thank you! It's such fun to knit those tops, as each one is different and it's always a surprise how it will look in the end.

  4. Ah that's better! I'm sure he feels great now that he's wearing the lovely new sweater. They are all really pretty ones, love the yarn you've used.

    1. It was hard, but I STOPPED knitting, else I'd used it all up. But I though, maybe I could also knit a mini dress from it....

  5. Looks like your beautiful knitting became such an enjoyable task that it was hard to stop...but just how lovely was that?
    Love green eyes but as you say not so much the green eye-brows that tend to go with it, 'hand in hand.'
