Auch im und am Haus gibt es viel zu entdecken.
Inside and outside the house, you can make discoveries, too.
Erik findet im Wintergarten eine ulkige Pflanze, die gerade blüht.
In the conservatory, Erik finds a weird plant that is just blooming.
Aus der Nähe ganz hübsch….
Seen from a closer distance, quite pretty...
Luise betrachtet die Tomatenpflanzen skeptisch.
Luise looks at the tomato plants skeptically.
Sollten die nicht größer sein? Naja, es sind Setzlinge die nicht so richtig wachsen wollen. Die anderen sind längst draußen im Garten.
Aren‘t they meant to be taller? Well, these are seedlings that didn‘t seem to grow as they should. The others are already in the garden.
Ja, das sieht schon besser aus!
Yes, that looks more like it!
Aber bis sie tragen, müssen sie sich noch ein bisschen anstrengen.
But to bear fruit, they still have work to do.
Der Spinat gedeiht – äh, prächtig. Igitt!
The spinach is prospering – well, splendidly. Yuck!
Schaut lieber den Rhabarber an! Lecker Kuchen!
Better look at the rhubarb! Yummy cake!
The fruit and veg are coming along well ! It's been very cold I'm not surprised they are not looking as big as they should after all these cold months and rain !
AntwortenLöschenThe rhubarb seemed to like the weather - but the White Mirabel tomato seedlings didn't grow from the start. Last year, they were much taller. It's weird as they spend their first weeks on the windowsill of our sleeping room each year!
LöschenGardening is such a wonderful hobby for children. Always fun to eat what you've grown, especially if you can make a cake out of it!
AntwortenLöschenThey children wouldn't reject a pizza either - so let's hope the summer gets more tomato friendly.
Löschensieht äußerst interessant aus in der Botanik......und irgendwann kann man sogar noch etwas außer Rhabarber ernten
AntwortenLöschenQuite a jungle of plants - and you can eat them or make cakes of them... a paradise garden, of course!
AntwortenLöschenThe plants will grow better now since the children took a bit care, plants love to be cared for and sense kindness, especially coming from kids!