Von Puppen und Hunden

Von Puppen und Hunden

Freitag, 14. Mai 2021

Der Nase nach / Follow your nose

Der Frühling hat Fahrt aufgenommen.

Spring is in full swing.

Wanda ist auf den Kompostsilo geklettert, um sich eine letzte Nase voll Fliederduft zu holen.

Wanda has climbed the compost maker to get a last nose full of lilac scent.

Seine beste Zeit hat er schon hinter sich.

It‘s already past its best time.

Unten im Beet blüht der Bärlauch. Hübsch sieht er aus.

Down in the patch, the wild garlic is in bloom. It‘s a pretty sight!

Aber er riecht ganz anders…

But its scent is quite different…

10 Kommentare:

  1. Yes this is the time of year for all the different scents to fill the garden. Lilac's are such pretty plants and it's a shame they cannot flower all spring and summer but do look wonderful when they do flower.
    Garlic is most definiately different!! lol

  2. o ja, Bärlauch riecht nicht so gut wie Flieder, aber Bärlauch kann man essen....hat doch auch was

  3. Whew here at RoRoPo the lilac ist just starting... Spring is late here.

    1. It's the same at the GnomeHome, so we get the lilac blossoms twice.

  4. Hahaha! I much prefer the pretty lilac and their fragrance, it reminds me of my granny!
    Big hugs,

    1. I found out ours smells stronger in the evening. Sadly, when I write this, the pretty blossoms already withered...

  5. We just love the scent of lilacs, and wish that they would last longer. The garlic may not smell as sweet, but it does keep away vampires (or is it werewolves?)

    1. It's vampires for certain - we never see any at NeverUschi's!
