Von Puppen und Hunden

Von Puppen und Hunden

Samstag, 29. Mai 2021

Unter Beobachtung / Under surveillance

Ludwig und Fifty sollen über den Sommer im Stall beim Zwergenhaus bleiben. Luise und Erik zeigen ihnen ihr neues Zuhause.

Ludwig and Fifty are meant to stay in the stables at the GnomeHome for summer. Luise and Erik show them their new home.

Im Wald ist es sehr schön. Hier gibt es viele Wege zu entdecken!

It‘s very nice in the forest. There are many paths to discover!

Und diese Ruhe! Den beiden Pferden scheint es genau so gut zu gefallen wie den Kindern.

And the peace and quiet! The horses seem to like this as the children do.

Sie haben es nicht bemerkt, aber sie werden beobachtet. Das Rehkitz betrachtet sie neugierig.

They didn‘t realize they are watched. The fawn looks at them curiously.

Der kleine Fuchs ist weniger begeistert.

The little fox is less impressed.

Schnell ab in den Bau!

Into the den quickly!

Aber das Kitz muss sich die Reiter aus der Nähe ansehen. Als Fußgänger erlebt man so etwas nicht!

But the fawn decides it has to inspect the riders up close. You don‘t experience this as a hiker!

8 Kommentare:

  1. Beautiful photos once again Uschi, is this forest near to where you live?
    Big hugs,

    1. It's near the GnomeHome: a small house with a large garden we bought three years ago, to move there after retirement. Meanwhile, we spend every other weekend there, and all my vacation time, and my overtime... but it's 340km from where we live on work days. My husband already retired, while I still have 6 years to go.

  2. da sagen sich nicht Fuchs und Hase gute Nacht, sondern Fuchs und Reh, sieht man auch nicht alle Tage sooo nah

  3. It's great Fifty and Ludwig will live in the Kellerwald for the summer, so we will be able to have many adventures together!
    Our kids did not see a fawn till now - but maybe that's because of the leopard that guards them (sometimes from a distance, but always there). But there must be quite a couple of fawns since it's a national park.
    Fifty looks splendid in the sun and the fresh green, so does Ludwig, wonderful little horse!

    1. Good thing our Paddy prefers the lilac tree to the Kellerwald! So he won't scare away any wildlife.

  4. It is nice to have the forest so close to riding and for the children to see the small animals that live there.
    Lots of adventures ahead for the summer
