Von Puppen und Hunden

Von Puppen und Hunden

Donnerstag, 9. Juni 2016

Autobahnraststätte / Highway rest stop

Am Sonntag war ich mal wieder auf einem Turnier, diesmal in Coburg - Bundesliga Süd im Schäferhundverein. (Dackel dürfen in der Mannschaft auch starten!)
Milo liebt Hunde und durfte mit. In Coburg musste er im Auto bleiben, was da hätte passieren können bei etwa 100 fremden Hunden - aber auf der Rückreise, mal eben 250km, musste er sich die Beine vertreten.

Last Sunday there was another agility tournament, this time in Coburg - national league south of the German Shepherds' kennel club. They allow any breeds, also Dachshunds, in their teams, which consist of 5 dogs, as long as there are at least two German Shepherds in each team.
Milo loves dogs, so he was allowed to come. In Coburg he had to stay in the car - with about 100 dogs around, way too dangerous! But on the journey back home, 250km, he had to move his legs.

Unten sehe ich ja nix! Ich steig mal auf diese Bank.

I can't see anything! I'll climb this bench.

Das ist besser. Sooo viele LKWs!

That's better. Sooo many trucks!

Mein Aussichtsplatz. / My observation point

Aber vielleicht geht es noch höher? / But maybe I can get even higher?

Ja! Das ist das Autodach. / Yes! On our car's roof!

 Das Wetter sieht gar nicht toll aus. Fahren wir weiter?

The weather looks dubious. Shall we drive on?

2 Kommentare:

  1. He's an adventurer, not only going on a long road trip to a dog event but climbing so high to get a better view!
    I was wondering about that dark sky in the background...I hope you got home before any rain came, especially as Milo is dressed for more pleasant weather really ;)

    1. My navigation system had warned there was bad weather near Würzburg, so I made a longer break at this rest stop to let it pass. I believe Milo was glad he was wearing t shirt and shorts, since it was very warm in Coburg that day. We missed the rain - when we reached Würzburg, it was over.
