Von Puppen und Hunden

Von Puppen und Hunden

Dienstag, 13. Dezember 2016

Pulli von Oma / Sweater by Granny

Diesmal nicht zum Verkaufen - meine Mutter strickte den Pullover für meine Sashas.

This one is not for sale - Mum knitted the sweater for my Sashas.

Nick hat ihn sich sofort geschnappt. Er wollte nicht mehr in einem rosa karierten Hemd auf dem Schrank stehen.

Nick snapped it up immediately. He was tired of standing on the cupboard in a pink checked shirt.

Ist das Muster nicht wundervoll, und raffiniert quer gestrickt?
Die Jeans gehörten ursprünglich Notso, und die Schuhe sind von Boneka.

Isn’t the pattern lovely? And skillfully knitted from side to side in one piece.
The jeans belonged to Notso when he arrived, shoes are by Boneka.

7 Kommentare:

  1. The sweater is gorgeous! It's very fashionable to knit from side to side, I see it a lot in the recent knit magazines I buy (for humans :-) ) too. It also goes wonderful with Nick's beautiful eyes. Great job done by Oma!

    1. It's so nice of you to say "beautiful eyes" - I've repainted them the third time now and I'm still not content with the result. It looks better than my last attempt, though.
      My mum is an expert knitter - and amazingly fast!

  2. I love the colours...your mum is very good to knit it for you :)

    1. Good for me is, she loves knitting, else the TV program would be too boring in the evenings. She is ALWAYS knitting something. But she has her own doll collection of course, and SOME humans waiting... so I was lucky to receive this sweater.

  3. The new sweater is perfect for him, goes with his eyes. I love how it's knitted from side to side like that, very trendy and great colours!

  4. I like the wide dark blue stripes. What a great idea to knit from side to side - the result it striking!

  5. This is a fun sweater, I love it, and it looks great on your lad with his blue eyes. How lovely of your Mum to knit it for him.
