Die Spielzeugauktion ist 4 im Jahr, an 2 Terminen gibt es auch Dinge die ich mir leisten kann. Deshalb war ich vergangenen Samstag mit Muttern dort. Sie war auf der Jagd nach Inge Schildkröt. Die Sashas wünschten sich mehr Haustiere und vielleicht ein paar Möbel - damit die Fotos nicht so langweilig sind.
Four times a year there is an antique toys auction in Ladenburg, two events are for the less pricey items, so I can afford some of them, too. So my mum and me drove there last Saturday. Mum was looking for a Schildkröt Inge, my Sashas had asked for more pets and maybe some furniture - to make photos less boring.
Ich hatte Erfolg: Schnuffi bekam einen Kumpel.
I was lucky: a buddy for Schnuffi.
Die Mädels freuen sich über ein Kätzchen.
The girls love their new kitten.
Ganz schönes Gedränge auf ihrem Regal!
They have to squeeze on their shelf.
Ein weiterer kleiner Dackel hilft beim Backen.
Another little dachshund is helping with the baking.
Naja eine große Hilfe ist er nicht...
Well he's not much of a help...
Aber das beste Schnäppchen war dieses Set: Küchenbuffet, Tisch und 2 Stühle perfekt in Sasha-Größe! Es war ganz früh morgens dran, sicher waren die anderen noch nicht richtig wach, denn ich bekam es für schlappe 18€! Alle Schubladen funktionieren, die Türen gehen, und es ist shabby chic ohne dass ich etwas tun muss.
But the best bargain was this Sasha sized set of kitchen furniture: table, two chairs and a cabinet. It was called very early, so maybe the other attendees still were sleepy. It cost me only 18 Euros! All drawers and doors are working, and it's shabby chic without me having to do anything.
Das kleine Äffchen ist auch neu.
The little ape is a newcomer, too.
Ich hatte nicht geplant Sashas zu kaufen. Es gab ohnehin nur 2 im Angebot. ABER dann wollte sie niemand! Das konnte ich ihnen doch nicht antun? Beide haben noch ihre Originalsachen an, Ellie hat hellbeige Gummis und Marty orange - und ich denke die 2 wollten zusammen bleiben. Können sie jetzt...
I hadn't planned to buy any Sashas. There were only 2 on offer. BUT nobody wanted them! I couldn't do that to them, or could I? Both are in their original outfits missing some smaller items. Ellie's stringing is tan and Marty's is pumpkin - well I thought they want to stay together. Now they can...
Ellie nach Haarwäsche und in frischen Klamotten. Jocko scheint sie lieb gewonnen zu haben!
Here's Ellie after a hair wash and a change of clothes. Jocko seems to love her!
How lucky are you?! What a wonderful day's shopping you had :)
AntwortenLöschenI was very good as I didn't spend too much - and I was very weak as I brought home two Sashas AGAIN!!!
LöschenYes but it was fun. And it's only twice a year.
The kitchen set is beautiful! It looks cozy with the dolls in it :-)
AntwortenLöschenI'm very pleased with it. Now I must find some bits and things to put into it...
LöschenOh, what a fun time! You picked up some wonderful goodies. How could anyone pass up those two cute kids?
AntwortenLöschenThat's what I felt, too. But I'm definitely running out of room to squeeze more dolls into!
LöschenOh wow, what an amazing day you must have had! What super goodies, not only pets, but kitchen accessories AND two new dolls - how could you possibly have left them behind. Fabulous.
AntwortenLöschenI enjoy those auction days a lot. It's much more fun to bid in a room full of people than online - and it's much quicker! But to bring home all the lovely things I like, I'd need a lottery win and a place the size of Versailles...
LöschenLooks like you had a good time Ursula and great that you found so many great things to bring home. I think it was only right that you brought the two dolls home too, it would have been very unkind to leave them behind, now they will have a good Christmas at home with you and their brothers and sisters!!! ;)