Von Puppen und Hunden

Von Puppen und Hunden

Freitag, 12. Januar 2018

Innendeko / Interior decoration

Ich muss die Bilder von unserer letzten Reise zum Zwergenhaus nachliefern. Die war zwar schon am Jahresanfang, aber ich lag die ganze letzte Woche mit einer fiesen Erkältung auf der Nase und hab am PC nur das Nötigste gemacht.
Beim nächsten Mal muss ich die bessere Kamera mitnehmen! Die kleine lieferte nur schwammige Bilder, sorry.

I still didn't share the photos of our last trip to the GnomeHome. We were there in the first days of January, but last week, I had caught a nasty cold and found very little computer time.
Next time, I'll have to take my better camera! The little one only made slightly blurred photos, sorry for that.

Uma bekam zu dem Anlass eine Zipfelmütze, passend zum Pulli. Damit sieht sie fast schon selber wie ein Zwerg aus!

Uma was given a pointy cap for the occasion, matching her sweater. So she almost looks like a gnome!

Wegen unerwarteter Formalitäten (beim Verkäufer) gehört das Haus uns immer noch nicht so ganz. Aber wir haben vereinbart, dass wir uns darum kümmern; der Verkäufer wohnt noch weiter weg als wir. Die ersten Möbel sind schon drin! Teilweise Geschenke von meiner Schwester und meinem Schwager, die gerade eine Wohnung räumen, teilweise vom schwedischen Riesen.

There have been unexpected legal difficulties with the transaction (on the seller's side), so the house still doesn't belong to us. But we agreed we'll look after it in the meantime; the seller lives even farther away than we do. The first lot of furniture is already there! Some are gifts from my sister and my brother in law, who are clearing a flat, and some come from the Swedish Giant.

Die Küchenzeile war drin und bleibt drin. Tisch und Stühle gehörten meiner 2006 verstorbenen Schwiergermutter. Auch wir müssen da einen Keller räumen, weil ihre Wohnung jetzt verkauft wird.

The kitchen unit was there and will stay there. Table and chairs belonged to my mother in law, who passed away in 2006. Now we are selling her flat, we'll have to clear her cellar (where some of her things were stored).

Die Aussicht aus dem Küchenfenster brauchten wir nicht mitbringen, die ist da.
Uma, du schaust in die falsche Richtung!

We didn't have to bring the view from the kitchen window. It's just there.
Uma, you are looking in the wrong direction!

6 Kommentare:

  1. How exciting to be getting a few things in, to start to make it yours, while you wait for the legal finish.
    What a fabulous view from that window! You'll be finding it hard to get up from the breakfast table with that view before you! :) thank you for sharing :)

    1. Well from the living room window, the view is just as nice, and from the conservatory it is even better. So, maybe we won't have breakfast all day long...

  2. Oooooh as Dee says, very exciting! And what a beautiful view you have there, it's going to be great for dolly photos :) You will be able to show us all the changes of the seasons through that window, and it lets in so much light too.
    I like Uma's sweater and hat, she does indeed look like a little pixie :)

    1. I love the large kitchen, with two windows to let in enough light. There are some nice places in the garden for dolly photos, too. All I have to do now is bring the better camera next time!

  3. I have to agree, it is a superb view. No doubt your kids will spend a lot of time looking out those windows, that is when they're not outside exploring!

  4. Usually, they spend a very short period looking out of a window, then run outside as fast as they can... well fresh air is good for them!
