Wir schaffen peu a peu Sachen ins Zwergenhaus. Die müssen dort irgendwo untergebracht werden. Also habe ich von Ikea drei Metallregale mitgebracht. Die werden einstweilen reichen, und sie sind unschlagbar billig. Später, wenn wir mal richtige Möbel dort haben, können sie in den Gartenschuppen umziehen.
We have started moving things into the GnomeHome. We'll have to store them there somewhere. So I bought three metal racks from Ikea. They will do, and they were incredibly cheap. Later, when we have moved some real furniture, they'll find a place in the garden shed.
Archie hatte seine eigene Idee, wie er uns helfen kann: kaum hatten wir angefangen zu schrauben, quetschte er sich ins liegende Regal und blieb da.
Archie had his own plans to help us: as soon as we started screwing, he squeezed into the rack and stayed there.
Zwei der fertigen Regale, im angesagten Industrial-Look... und Charlie hat wohl eine Wette verloren, denn auf dem grünen Schrank steht nicht er, sondern Mortimer!
Two of the finished shelves, in up to date Industrial Look... and it seems Charlie has lost a bet. It's not him on the green closet, but Mortimer!
In das Regal würden auch meine Geschwister und ich passen, Mama!
My siblings and me would fit nicely onto this shelf, Mummy!
Very trendy your metal shelving. I love that Archie had to get inside to prove they even work for dogs!
AntwortenLöschenMortimer looks like he's finding space for him and siblings, clever boy getting in quick so they can have a front row view!
Archie was very disappointed when we placed the shelving upright at the wall. Maybe we should get one unit for him as a trendy dog bed?
LöschenI love how dogs often find the most inconvenient places to get comfortable. Poor Charlie, he'll just have to find something else to be 'first' at in the new house.
Charlie was fair enough to accept it was Mortimer's turn - so he can supervise the packing at home!
LöschenHow sweet is Archie? Good luck with the house move!
AntwortenLöschenArchie has always been a very sweet dog, I sometimes wonder if he really is a dachshund. His nephew Kuno takes part in the furniture assembling process by stealing small parts and chewing them - that's how a dachshund behaves!
LöschenArchie looks very comfortable there, and I thought it was just cats who did things like that when you're trying to put stuff together! Having said that, my dogs are always getting in the way when we try doing anything too!
AntwortenLöschenI wonder if those shelves will actually end up in the shed eventually or will they make a nice home for your Sasha family!!!
They are a very good size for Sashas, that's true. But now they will be loaded with books, as we have way too many in our house...
LöschenLoving this 'industrial' shelving look!
AntwortenLöschenGreat photos too!