Lieschen führt Oskar mit dem braven alten Steiff Pony die Wiese entlang.
Lieschen guides Oskar on the dear old Steiff pony alongside the meadows.
Aber das ist Oskar zu langweilig. Lass los! Ich kann alleine!
But Oskar is bored. Leave me! I can alone!
Lieschen ist ein bisschen besorgt. Ein Glück, dass das Pony so alt und lieb ist. Es latscht einfach weiter.
Lieschen is a bit worried. How good the pony is so old and friendly. It just shuffles along.
Oskar ist glücklich.
Hurra! Ich kann reiten!! Jetzt aber Galopp!!!
Oskar is happy.
Yippee! I can ride! But now let's gallop!
Oh my goodness, I wonder is Oskar getting a little too brave for his own good! But as you say, this is an old and hopefully steady pony, hopefully he'll not decide to take off at a gallop with Oskar hanging on his back for dear life!
No, that pony didn't gallop ever over the last years. Maybe Oskar was a bit disappointed, but he was safe!