Von Puppen und Hunden

Von Puppen und Hunden

Mittwoch, 5. August 2020

What's hot 3

In der Zwischenzeit, am Hauptwohnsitz: die Modediskussionen werden fortgesetzt.

Meanwhile, at the main residence: the fashion quarrel is continued.

Nick schaut Mortimer prüfend an.
Das findest du cool? Also, ehrlich, Shorts mit Schädeln drauf sind für Kinder!

Nick looks at Mortimer quizzically.
You think that's cool? Well, honestly, shorts with skulls on them are for children!

Cool sind zurückhaltende Muster, wie diese maritime auf meinen Shorts. Und damit das nicht langweilig wird: grüne Sneakers!

Cool is understatement, as in the maritime pattern on my shorts. And, so it won't look boring: green sneakers!

Das hat Xavier gehört.
Grüne Sneakers? Die reichen nicht.

Xavier overheard this.
Green sneakers? They won't do the trick.

Dazu gehört ein Outfit in klassischen Morgenthaler-Farben. Naja, IHR könnt das natürlich nicht tragen.....

Ich glaube, hier muss Mami eingreifen!

They must go with an outfit in classic Morgenthaler colours. Well of course YOU can't wear that...

I believe this is where mummy has to step in!

4 Kommentare:

  1. Mortimer is very much into his clothing and obviously wants to look his best.
    But not all children care and just want to play and clothes are just something mum buys and makes them wear! Sometimes they are the easier children than the ones who will only wear whats in fashion! and cost them mum's a small fortune :)

    1. They are! My son was of the easy sort, always wore what Mummy had found for him. He felt clothes were against being cold. His little sister had her own ideas what a girl could wear....

  2. I think they all look fine to be honest, they look like real boys which is important for me, and they're all ready to play.

    1. I hope they'll play, instead of discussing outfits! Well it's my fault, I started it.
