Von Puppen und Hunden

Von Puppen und Hunden

Montag, 19. Oktober 2020

Blacky? Bianca?


Pippa und Danny machen Reiterferien im Zwergenhaus. Hier können sie in wunderbarer Landschaft ausreiten.

Pippa and Danny are on pony farm holidays at the GnomeHome. Here, they can ride in a beautiful environment.


Der kleine Danny bekam den braven Liebknecht. Pippa hat sich das neue Pferd ausgesucht, Ostwind. Sie wollen ihre Cousins treffen.

Little Danny was given steady Liebknecht. Pippa chose the new horse, Ostwind. They are up to meet their cousins.

Adelheid und Peter reiten ihnen entgegen. Sie haben die Pferde getauscht.

Adelheid and Peter set out to meet them. They swapped horses.

Nach einer Weile tauschen auch Pippa und Danny. Danny hat geübt und kommt sehr gut mit Ostwind zurecht.

After a while, Pippa and Danny swapped, too. Danny has practised and gets along fine with Ostwind.

Da sind sie! Aber was ist das? Danny traut seinen Augen nicht.

Blacky? Bist du das? Das kann doch nicht sein!


Here they are! But what's this? Danny doesn't believe what he's seeing.

Blacky? Is that you? That's impossible!

Fast alle Schimmel werden schwarz geboren. Bianca ist Blacky! Danny ist überglücklich.

Almost every white horse is born black. Bianca is Blacky! Danny is over the moon.

3 Kommentare:

  1. What a sweet little story! I never knew that about white horses; it's a little like swans!

  2. I love seeing your dolls out riding. I never knew white horses started out with black hair! but then some blondes are born with black hair that then turns pale blonde, so I suppose it's the same 1
    Your children are getting very good at riding now.

  3. Thank you both!
    It seems to depend on the breed how long the process takes, but except for albinos, to-be-white foals are dark. In the following years, they get lighter, via grey and/or dappled, until they are completely white. So a snow white horse can't be a young horse...
