Von Puppen und Hunden

Von Puppen und Hunden

Freitag, 25. März 2016

Zwergnase Intermezzo

Bei uns wohnen (natürlich) nicht nur Sashas. Im letzten Jahr habe ich auf der Rückreise von einem Verwandtenbesuch auf Usedom die Zwergnase-Werkstätten in Schalkau besucht. Das ist ein sehr gefährlicher Ort! Nur der Umstand dass sie dort kein Plastikgeld akzeptieren bewahrte mich vor größeren Dummheiten. Aber Mischa war Liebe auf den ersten Blick. Sie ist eine limitierte Sammleredition, und ich glaube zumindest was den Preis pro cm Höhe angeht ist sie die teuerste Puppe in meiner Sammlung.

Of course there are other dolls than Sashas in our household. Last year, on our way back from seeing relatives on the island Usedom, I visited the Zwergnase showrooms in Schalkau. That's a very dangerous place! They only accept cash, so I was safe from too stupid decisions.
Mischa was love at first sight. She's a limited edition from the artist line, and for all I know, she's the priciest doll I own - at least when you divide Euros per height.

Mischa hat Glasaugen und eine Perücke. Sie ist gerade mal 36 cm groß - was bei meinen Platzverhältnissen kein Fehler ist!

Irgendwann wurde es ihr dann allein langweilig, und schwupp saß ich vor dem Laptop und kam auf die Zwergnase-Seite...

Mischa is wigged and has glass eyes. She only measures 36 cm - good thing, 
in our small house!
She started to complain she was bored, I found myself in front of my laptop, and on the Zwergnase site...

Bina ist eine Zwergnase Junior, Vollvinyl, mit gemalten Augen und gerooteten Haaren. So sah sie aus als sie bei uns ankam. Mich störte der Haaransatz. Sie vermutlich auch, denn sie guckt schon äußerst finster...

Bina is a small Zwergnase junior, with painted eyes and rooted hair. That's how she looked when she arrived. I never liked her hairline. She didn't either, I guess, because what other reason did she have to look that grumpy on the photo?

Ich habe einfach Binas Frisur geändert. Der geflochtene Zopf verdeckt das schüttere Haar oben auf dem Kopf. Ich habe sie auch umgezogen.... Mischa wird ihr Originaloutfit aber behalten!

I restyled Bina's hair. The little braid hides the sparse hair. I also redressed her - but Mischa will keep her original outfit!

2 Kommentare:

  1. What a cute pair these two are! I am very envious that you were able to visit the Zwergnase showrooms, but what a shame that they only take cash! ;) I thought that when I emailed with them back in 2014 they only took bank transfers for purchases from their website but I was surprised to hear back from them this time that they took paypal, which made things too easy! I do like the look of those beautiful 'art dolls' but one thing puts me off and that is the cloth parts of their bodies. What do you think of that? I know you're keeping her original outfit on her but I'm always so tempted to redress them.
    You did a good job on Bina's hair, it's such a shame that the rooting at the front is so sparce and yet the rest of their hair is very nice and full! Oh well, we can't have it all I guess.
    Hugs Sharon in Spain xx

  2. Hi Sharon,
    I also was surprised they didn't take plastic money. Luckily my husband always carries cash with him, else it would have been an extra trip to the bank!
    I feel the same about the cloth bodies on the artist line. Poor Mischa even needs a doll stand - in theory and can stand alone, but you can't rely on that, and after returning home one day to find her face down on the floor, it was doll stand for her. Can't trust the doggies...
    So Mischa probably won't get an artist line sibling. But I couldn't resist that face!
