Heute mal DOG nicht DOLL:
Ich war gestern mit den Jungs auf einem Agilityturnier, Saisonstart, erster Lauf der SV-Bundesliga Süd. Unsere Ortsgruppe startet dort mit 2 Mannschaften. Archie ist in der ersten, Kuno in der zweiten. Was soll man sagen - der Kleine war besser als sein Onkel, und die Mannschaft 2 landete 6 Plätze vor der ersten!
Jeder der beiden brachte einen Pokal nach Hause. Was will man mehr? (Wobei, sehr beeindruckt sehen sie nicht aus.) Kuno links, Archie rechts.
Today it's DOG not DOLL:
I attended an agility competition yesterday, season's start, the first Bundesliga (south) meeting of the German Shepherd club. (They allow other races in the 5-dog-teams, as long as two German Shepherds are nominated in each). Our club participates this year with two equipes. Archie as the more experienced is in the first team, Kuno in the second. But what happened? The second team beat the first by 6 ranks, and our "baby" was better than his uncle!
Both won a cup and here they agree to show them. (They don't look impressed, do they?) Kuno left side, Archie right side.
I have to agree that no, they don't look overly impressed with their trophies....maybe they would prefer to celebrate with a bone each!! However, I still think they did very well to win them, well done boys, you did great! :)