Auf den ersten Fotos sieht man es nicht so, und in künstlichem Licht war ich mir auch nicht sicher, aber Pippa hat eine sehr eigenartige Augenfarbe.
You don't see it on her first set of photos, and under artificial light I wasn't certain, but Pippa has an unusual eye colour.
Ich habe keine andere Puddle-Eyes-Blondine zum Vergleich, aber müssten blaue Augen nicht viel heller sein?
She's my only puddle eyed blonde so I have none to compare, but shouldn't blue eyes be much brighter?
Es kommt auch auf dem Monitor immer noch nicht so gut raus. Für mich sehen die Augen aus wie braun gesprayt und eventuell blau gefinisht. Es sieht nicht so aus als hätte jemand nachträglich daran herum gemalt. Ich glaube auch nicht dass Pippa ein Reroot ist; sie hat die Originalgummis, die deutlich zu fest sind, sie ist in stark bespieltem Zustand, und die Haare sahen schrecklich aus als sie bei mir ankam. So geht man doch nicht mit einem Reroot um! Also ich denke Pippa war von Anfang an blond, aber blaue Augen hat sie nicht.
On the monitor, it still isn't clearly visible. To me it looks as if her eyes might be sprayed brown and perhaps hand-finished blue, but is that possible? It doesn't look "enhanced" later. I don't believe either Pippa is a reroot - her original stringing is too tight, she's heavily played with, her hair looked horrid when she arrived, and do you treat a reroot like this? So I think she has been blonde from the beginning - but she doesn't have blue eyes.
Von Oxydation kann das doch nicht kommen? Ich muss Alex fragen ob er sie mit der Spiegelreflex fotografiert. Vielleicht sieht man es dann besser...
Or can oxydation have caused this? I'll ask Alex to take photos with his reflex camera, I hope he will get clearer pics.
There are some Sasha/Gregor dolls who don't have the hair/eye colour combinations that we're used to so it could well be that she was given brown eyes when she was being sprayed and then the factory employee realised his/her mistake and quickly tried to rectify it, hence the nice unusual colour. Have you asked on the FB group because that's where most people ask and get their questions answered. She's lovely whatever colour eyes she has :)
I'm not on Facebook - but I'm thinking about joining. Seems I miss a lot...
LöschenShe is lovely and you have rescued her beautifully. As for her eyes, there are a few around that don't conform to the expected - her eyes are very pretty.
AntwortenLöschenI'm afraid she'll need some more rescuing - I really should restring her, because her stringing is too tight. But I've never done this before, so I lack confidence.
LöschenI am sure you will be able to do it...there are some good tutorials on the internet.