Mein Sohn hat sein Zimmer entrümpelt und teilweise neu eingerichtet. Bei der Gelegenheit haben wir im Keller aufgeräumt, und es gab ein paar neue Möbel von Ikea.
My son decided to clear and partly re-furnish his room. While we were at it, we tidied our basement and got some new furniture from Ikea.
Neben meinem Sofa stand immer ein kleiner Beistelltisch - aber er war voll gestapelt mit Büchern und Zeitschriften, und seit unser Kuno ein Bein angenagt hat, hatte ich Sorge es könnte unter der Last brechen. Dieses Regal sieht viel stabiler aus, es schmeckt auch einem Dackel nicht, und darin ist viel Platz.
Next to my sofa used to be a small side table - always creaking under lots of books and magazines. Since our Kuno chewed one of its legs I was concerned it might break under the weight. This shelf looks much sturdier, not even a dachshund believes it's tasty, and there's a lot of storage room in it.
Und oben drauf liegt die neue NeverUschi-Frühjahrskollektion - noch nicht ganz fertig.
On its top waits the new NeverUschi Spring Collection - not quite finished.
Oder ist es eher die MissPiggy-Kollektion?
Das Schweinchen gab es auch bei Ikea - praktisch ohne mein Zutun hüpfte es in den Einkaufswagen.
Or is it the MissPiggy Collection?
The little pig also was sold at Ikea - without me doing much, it jumped into my shopping cart.
Wer hätte das gedacht? Schweine können nähen!
Who would have thought? Pigs can sew!
lol a sewing pig! and she just 'jumped' into your cart! mm that seems to happen a lot t people who have dolls.... ;)
AntwortenLöschenI love your little sewing machine and I hope Kuno does not eat your new shelving :)
He believes he is a grown up dog now, so I hope he'll leave our furniture alone.
LöschenThat's a talented little pig. Perhaps you can teach her to knit as well? When we go to Ikea, I've noticed that quite a few things that are not on the shopping list 'jump' into the cart.
Piggy does not have thumbs, so knitting might be difficult for her. I wonder how she managed all the sewing...
LöschenAlthough we don't have an Ikea where I live, I share the problem of mysterious purchases. I like the new side table and it looks both practical and stylish. I need a sewing pig to do the sewing I've but putting off for far too long? Maybe it should take a little vacation to NZ?
AntwortenLöschenPiggy says she would be thrilled to fly to NZ, but not as freight. Well there's some thing we have to discuss!
LöschenSince that old saying 'Pigs might fly' isn't it more probable that Miss Piggy 'FLEW' rather than 'jumped' into your IKEA shopping basket?
AntwortenLöschenLovely little sewing machine scene. Hope that it's as productive as it looks.
You're right, she flew! I already thought that it was a very wide jump for such a little pig.
LöschenThe children's sewing machine actually still works, but of course it's more comfortable for me to use my electric Singer.
You obviously have great taste for Ikea furniture and pigs because we also have that unit but the bigger version, I have it filled with fabric!!! And I too bought the pig but the all pink version, one of my dogs loves it and although they've chewed the tail off, Suki loves to walk around with it in her mouth all the time!!!
AntwortenLöschenI look forward to seeing the new 'piggy' spring collection!!