Von Puppen und Hunden

Von Puppen und Hunden

Mittwoch, 3. Mai 2017

Dschungelmädchen / Jungle girls

Ich habe Breezes Kleid fertig. Und das, das sie trug als sie ankam, wurde gewaschen und ein paar Tage in der Sonne gebleicht. Es hatte Verfärbungen, die jetzt so gut wie weg sind. Breeze war so nett, es Marie zu leihen.

I finished Breeze's dress. And the one she wore when she arrived has been washed and bleached for a few days in the sun. It was a little discoloured, but that has almost vanished. Breeze happily borrowed it to Marie.

Die beiden erforschen unser Hochbeet. Da hat sich einiges getan.

The girls explore our raised flowerbed. A lot going on here!

Ich weiß nicht, was die Schriftzeichen auf Breezes Matrosenkleid bedeuten. Hoffentlich nicht sowas wie "lecker und billig"! Ich fand aber, dass ihr die Farbe gut steht.

I don't know the meaning of the ideographs on Breeze's sailor dress. I hope it's not something like "cheap and tasty"! But I thought that colour suits her well.

Die arme Marie bekommt nicht viele Fotoshoots. Wegen viel zu fester Gummis ist sie schwierig hinzustellen. Sie trägt immer noch den originalen Fabrik-Pferdeschwanz!

Poor Marie doesn't get many photo shoots. Due to much too tight elastics she is difficult to pose. She still wears her factory ponytail!

Auch für Ygritte gab es etwas Neues. Sie fand sich in dem himmelblauen Kleid viel zu feierlich. Jetzt sieht sie ganz anders aus! Ich glaube ganz schlichte Sachen stehen Sashas am bestern.

Ygritte also changed into a new dress. She thought the light blue one was too formal. Now she looks entirely different! I believe very simple styles are best for Sasha.

Die Mädels stecken die Köpfe zusammen. Ob es in dem wuchernden Beet Feen gibt?

The girls huddle together. Maybe there are fairies between the sprawling plants?

Wenn, dann sehen sie aus wie ich!

If there are any, they'll look just like me!

Oder ich! / Or me!

14 Kommentare:

  1. What sweet girls out in the raised flower bed and all looking lovely in their dresses.
    Love the colour of Breeze's dress and I am sure the words mean something nice, like pretty flowers :)
    Marie looks very pretty in the white dress and Ygritte very modern in the green.
    A great place to take their photos surrounded by all the lovely plants and greenery :)

    1. I'm so happy I found plants that like this flower bed - it is almost completely in the shadow. But the hosta are pleased with these conditions, so is the wild garlic, and the spring flowers get more light, before the lilac tree sprouts its leaves.

  2. I agree that simple styles and fabrics go best with the Sasha dolls. Certainly, Sasha M followed that style for the most part. Sorry to hear about Marie's "condition"; Adam has the very same problem.

    1. The problem with the late Götz is the child safe stringing. I shy away from fumbling the plastic caps out of her head and limbs - else restringing and reshaping wouldn't be too difficult.
      Sorry to hear about Adam's problem. I don't have a Carpatina doll, so I have no idea how their stringing works. Probably child safe too!

  3. Antworten
    1. And they know it! Well, if it helps their self-esteem...
      Thank you!

  4. 3 beautiful girls! I don't think any fairies could look as beautiful as they do <3

    1. You're probably right - I heard fairies can look quite scary!

  5. They look so lovely in their new dresses and I love the styles of them as well. You are quite right the simple little girl styles suit them best.

    1. Which is good for me, since I'm no good at sewing (or ironing!) frilly stuff.

  6. I love Breeze's new dress. It's a great style that would look wonderful in a wide variety of fabrics and colors. Too bad about Marie's stringing, but her hair is just gorgeous! I love the bangs and high pony tail.

    1. So do I. It would be probably better for her hair to remove that ponytail she's worn for years - but it's sooo pretty.
      Maybe I'll try the sailor dress in another fabric. It's basically the same pattern I used for most of the dresses I made recently, only front and back switched. I made that pattern using the Simple Blouse from the 3Anns book, I just cut it slimmer and, more or less, shorter.

  7. I agree, the girls are gorgeous and suit their simply styled outfits....the mustard yellow dress really does suit Breeze, the colour works perfectly with her eyes.
    I wonder if there are fairies in amongst the plants? I suppose it is possible, but do you think they'd tell you if they found them? ;)
