Von Puppen und Hunden

Von Puppen und Hunden

Dienstag, 30. Mai 2017


Übers Wochenende war ich auf der Delegiertenversammlung des Deutschen Teckelklubs in Hövelhof, Westfalen. Das ist für mich ein ganzes Ende zu fahren - aber ich konnte bei meiner Schwester in der Nähe übernachten. Natürlich mussten Sashas mit.

Last weekend I attended the meeting of the Deutsche Teckelklub, the German dachshund breeder's association, as a delegate. The meeting took place in Hövelhof, Westfalia, not a short drive from where I live, but I could stay with my sister, not too far away. Of course, some Sashas wanted to come.

Mikey freundet sich gleich mit der 70er Vinyl Schildkrötpuppe an, die auf dem anderen Bett saß. Damit er seine Schwester Baby nicht vermisst, hat er ihren Bären dabei, Kennedy.

Mikey is making friends with the 70s Schildkröt vinyl play doll who sat on the free bed. He was concerned he might miss his sister Baby, so he took her teddy bear Kennedy with him for company.
Honey schaut sich derweil draußen um. Tagsüber war es sehr warm, aber früh am Morgen konnte sie eine Strickjacke brauchen - die, die Breeze mitgebracht hat.

Meanwhile, Honey is looking around outside. The days were very warm, but early in the morning she could use a cardigan - Breeze brought this one into te family.

Und das Kleid hatte Eve an, als sie uns erreichte.

And Eve was wearing this dress when she arrived.

Beim Haus stehen wundervolle hohe alte Bäume. Das sieht fast aus wie im Wald, und es hält das Schlafzimmer kühl.

Next to the house are wonderful tall old trees. It almost looks like a forest, and it keeps the guest room cool.

Ich glaub hier gefällt's mir!

I think I like it here!

6 Kommentare:

  1. Honey is looking very pretty in her white cardigan and dress, extra nice for visiting.
    How nice that Mikey had a new friend waiting on the space bed.
    It was nice ,I am sure, to be able to stay with your sister while attending the Dachshund breeder's association meeting.

    1. It was very nice to stay with my sister. The meeting was stressful, and I had to pay attention the whole time, so I was very happy I could relax afterwards with the family.

  2. It sounds like a very nice place to visit. The children look like they are having a good time and I'm sure they'll keep you good company. The cardigan is beautiful and will look nice with many different outfits.

    1. I'm so glad I was able to bleach some discolouration from the cardigan, only by exposing it to sunlight. Now it is immaculate white again, and it matches a wide range of outfits.

  3. Honey looks very pretty, her dress and cardigan are lovely.
    I'm glad you had a nice visit with your sister even if the meeting you went to was stressful.

    1. We had little time together, as the meeting took so long, but it was nice to meet and talk anyway.
