Von Puppen und Hunden

Von Puppen und Hunden

Montag, 4. Dezember 2017

Kragen des Verderbens / Collar of doom

Archie hatte eine kleine OP am Augenlid. Jetzt darf er sich nicht kratzen und muss einen riesigen Kragen tragen.

Archie had some minor surgery on his eyelid. Now he mustn't scratch and has to wear a giant collar.

Mit dem Ding kann er kaum laufen - am besten man verschläft den ganzen Tag.

He can barely walk with that thing - so, it's best to sleep all day long.

Kuno glaubt, sein Onkel hätte sich in einen schrecklichen Alien verwandelt.
Vielleicht hat er ja recht?

Kuno believes his uncle has transformed into a horrible alien.
Maybe he's right?

7 Kommentare:

  1. Oh dear, poor boy, they don't like these collars much do they? Hopefully he will heal quickly and won't have to wear it too long.

    1. The vet said, 10 days -that's a long time in the life of a dog!

  2. What a poor boy , it's best to sleep and hope the collar does not have to stay on too long. They could surely come up with a better design after all these years ! and why does it need to be so big! It's not like his leg would reach that far!

    1. No, his leg is rather short, but his neck is long, and with the smaller collar, he could poke it out and rub the eye against the furniture. As he should not do that, it's size M for him...

  3. It seems to really hurt their dignity when they have to wear those; kind of like Sasha's when they have to wear socks on their heads to tame their hair. I hope Archie has a speedy recovery.

    1. I usually tell my Sashas it's a very cool beanie they are wearing, some of them believe me...
      Archie says thank you, he'll do his best.

  4. Poor baby, those things always look so uncomfortable....we always call them 'the lamp shade!' I hope he's on the mend now :)
