Von Puppen und Hunden

Von Puppen und Hunden

Montag, 18. Dezember 2017


In unserem Haushalt kümmern sich die Männer um die Weihnachtsplätzchen. Sohnemann bäckt, und Papi muss die Kipferl im Vanillezucker rollen.

In our household, the men take care of the Christmas cookies. My son baked the Kipferl, and Daddy rolls them in vanilla sugar.

Verbrenn dir nicht die Finger, Papa!

Don't burn your fingers, Daddy!

Warte mal, ich helfe dir.

Wait, I can help.

Das ist gar nicht so einfach. Die Kipferl zerbrechen sehr leicht.

This is tricky. The Kipferl break easily.

Aber diese beiden sind gut geworden!

But those two look good!

Noch einen....   / Another one...

Und jetzt darf ich probieren. Lecker!

Now I can try one. Yummy!

4 Kommentare:

  1. How nice that your son and husband join together to make these lovely Christmas cookies.
    And help from the Sasha's too! Love the little bowl holding the cookies.everything looks just Yummy!

    1. The little bowl is Asian china, meant for soya sauce or other dips. Just the right size for Sasha!
      Our two men have their corporate baking session each year. The Kipferl get better and better with practise!

  2. They look like interesting and very tasty cookies. Lovely that your girl was able to help make them and have the first tasting session.

    1. They are delicious! I wonder if they will hold until Christmas...
