Ich sollte für Zopfmuster wirklich hellere Wolle nehmen! Aber das Licht in unserem Flur ist auch nicht das beste.
I shouldn't use dark wool for cabled sweaters! But there also is not much light in our staircase.
Veronika ist in die Küche gegangen um nachzusehen, ob wir alle Zutaten für Weihnachtsplätzchen haben.
Veronika went into the kitchen to check if we have all you need to bake Christmas cookies.
Mami, die Dackel sagen wir sollen lieber Hundekuchen backen!
Mummy, the dachshunds say we'd better make dog treats!
Mir ist aber mehr nach was Süßem. Wie, wir könnten beides backen?
But I want something sweet. What? We can bake both?
Das wird ne Menge Arbeit! Wo sind nur die anderen?
That will be a lot of work! Where have all the others gone?
another beautiful sweater, we love the purple. Wonderful you are baking cookies for both you and the dogs! A lot of hard work but with a delicious ending for everyone :)
AntwortenLöschenAnd the good thing is: my son made the cookies for people, I only had to bake the dog treats! So, not too much work for everyone.
LöschenThe sweater looks beautiful on Veronika and I love how her shoes match. My Frank would be happy to help her bake, but I'm afraid that in the end she would have only crumbs and dirty dishes!
Veronika says, she understands Frank. Cookie dough is so delicious!