Von Puppen und Hunden

Von Puppen und Hunden

Samstag, 30. Dezember 2017

Was an Weihnachten noch geschah / What else happened on Christmas

Pamela versucht mit dem Weihnachtsbaum um die Wette zu leuchten.

Pamela tries to outshine the Christmas tree.

 Mit ihrem neuen Pullover stehen die Chancen nicht schlecht.

She might be successful in her new sweater.

Ist doch klar! Ich bin viel schöner als ein komischer kleiner Baum!
Ein siegessicheres Winken an die Welt da draußen...

It's perfectly clear! I'm much prettier than a funny little tree!
A confident wave to the world outside...


Ich war diesmal so sicher ich hätte die Haare aus ihrem Gesicht gewischt!

I was so certain this time I had brushed all the hair out of her face!

3 Kommentare:

  1. Pamela is so beautiful I had to go back and read all of the posts with her in them. Yes, she does outshine the tree!

  2. Pamela is just gorgeous and put that tree to shame with her glow of confidence :) Those bright warm stripes and pocket help her glow bright. x

  3. Pamela is lovely Ursula, I think she may well outshine any Christmas tree to be honest! ;)
    Aren't those stray hairs annoying! I always find them once I've got as far as uploading the photos and of course I'm not that good with any photo editing apps that I could remove them without it being quite obvious! Oh well! I guess we can't all be perfect ;)
    hugs xxx
