Wir waren eine ganze Woche mit beiden anhängenden Wochenenden im Zwergenhaus. Hurra! Das war auch nötig, denn im Garten gibt es allerhand zu tun.
We spent a whole week and both weekends in the Gnome Home. Hooray! That was necessary, there is a lot to do in the garden.
Trotz der Hilfe der Gartenzwerge - überall wächst und wuchert es, und nicht alles hatten wir gesät.
Even with the garden gnomes helping - it's growing and sprouting everywhere, and not all the plants were sown by us.
Ein Flieder hatte noch Blüten für uns. Und was tut der wilde Wein da? Sieht lustig aus, aber ich glaube er muss raus aus der Dachrinne!
The lilac still had flowers for us. But what is the grape ivy doing there? It looks pretty, but I believe it will have to get out of the gutter!
Pippa und Axel mit dem Muttertags-Strauß für Mami. Der weder Kosten noch Mphen verursachte, der konnte einfach im Garten gepflückt werden. Wie praktisch!
Die große Iris in der Mitte riecht komischerweise wie Kaugummi.
Pippa and Axel and Mummy's Mothers Day bouquet. Which caused no costs and no effort, they could pick it in the garden. How practical!
The large iris in the centre strongly smells like bubble gum. That's strange...
That is the problem with gardens they will keep growing! I know the feeling well, so much to do , so little time.
AntwortenLöschenHow lovely that you got to spend a nice double weekended week at the Gnome house.
Your flowers from the garden and beautiful, love that beautiful big white iris.
There are also several blue irises in the garden, sadly they were already past their best. But the white one really had a funny scent!
LöschenThe plants do look lovely and heathly, so you're certainly doing something very right at the Gnome house.
Before the seller's wife got Alzheimer's, she was a passionate gardener, so we still benefit from her love of flowers. But we'll have to do something about the plum trees, which are in a desolate condition...