Von Puppen und Hunden

Von Puppen und Hunden

Freitag, 11. Mai 2018

Wochenende / Weekend

Das Zwergenhaus ruft! / The Gnome Home is calling!

Candy schaut nach ob die Pflanzen, die mit sollen, fit aussehen.

Candy controls the plants that are meant to come with us. Do they look healthy?

Ja, alles ok. Die dürfen auf die Reise.

Yes, they seem all right. They are ready for travel.

Und Zazou wünscht allen viel Spaß, die zum SCW dürfen - und den Mamis, die am kommenden Sonntag feiern, einen wunderschönen Muttertag!

And Zazou wishes a lot of fun to all who can attend the SCW - and to the mummies who celebrate this Sunday, a wonderful Mother's Day!

4 Kommentare:

  1. It looks like Candy has a green thumb! I love Zazou's dress.

  2. Candy is a great controller of plants. Zazou looks sweet standing in the dappled sun.

  3. Candy is certainly in control, that's for sure!
    I like Zazou's dress, that fabric is really pretty on her.#

  4. Candy can be very strict, so the plants behave - most of the time.
    I love the little cotton fabric I made Zazou's dress of - it was meant for childrens playwear, and there should be something left. Hmmm, a skirt maybe?
