The vegetables have been cared for. Time for an evening walk.
Candy gefällt der blühende Bärlauch.
Candy likes the wood garlic in bloom.
Er sieht allerdings besser aus als er riecht!
But it looks much better than it smells!
Milo hat das Ikea-Kleingewächshaus entdeckt. Die Tomaten müssen noch ein ganzes Stück wachsen.
Milo has come across the Ikea mini hothouse. The tomatoes will have to grow quite a lot.
Was ist das für eine Tasche?
What's this bag for?
Mal schauen was drin ist. / Let's see what's inside.
Oh! Kartoffeln. / Oh! Potatoes.
You have a lot going on in your little garden, and the kids are working really hard on it too. I hope you get a nice big crop of potatoes too :)
Their leaves are already peeping out of the dirt in the bag, which is completely filled now. So, there's hope.
LöschenLooks like you will have lots to eat later in the summer and with Milo's and Candy's help the plants will grow well.
AntwortenLöschenI love your little greenhouse, don't show my twins they've been searching for one for ages!
Ikea Germany sells them in their garden department. I bought mine years ago to use it as a greenhouse for an 1:12 project, but I never tackled it - so now it's used for its original purpose.
LöschenCandy looks very proud of the results of her gardening efforts. That's quite a nice little greenhouse.
Candy has a lot of time for looking proud, since wood garlic is quite an effortless plant. This year, it decided the raised bed is too small, so it starts a march through the ex-lawn...
LöschenBut it's so nice when kids are interested in gardening!