Von Puppen und Hunden

Von Puppen und Hunden

Sonntag, 6. Mai 2018

Veronika der Lenz ist da / Veronika spring is there

Anscheinend gibt es keine englische Version des alten Comedian Harmonist Titels. Das stört das Zwergenhaus aber nicht.

There seems to be no English version of the old Comedian Harmonists song. The Gnome Home doesn't mind.

Flieder, Blumen und eine wundervolle Aussicht

Lilac, flowers, and a beautiful view

Unten in der Einfahrt ist Veronika perfekt getarnt. Ja es gibt auch eine Hose die besser zum Pulli passt - aber da steckte Sophia drin, und ich hatte vor unserer Abreise nicht mehr die Zeit, beide umzuziehen.

Down the drive Veronika is camouflaged perfectly. I know there are trousers that are a better match with the sweater, but Sophia was wearing them, and I didn't find the time to redress them both before our departure.

Träumen unterm Flieder...  / Dreaming under the lilac...

Oder die Füße baumeln lassen und die Aussicht genießen auf:

Or stretch your limbs and enjoy the view of:

... den größten der 5 Apfelbäume. Das könnte im Herbst Kuchen geben, außer die Waschbären sind schneller als wir.

... the largest of the 5 apple trees. There might be some pie in for us in autumn, if the raccoons won't outrun us.

Drüben im Beet: riechen die? Ja, tun sie. Der Lenz ist da!

In the flowerbed: are they scented? Yes they are. Spring is here!

3 Kommentare:

  1. What a wonderful view and yes it would seem that Spring has finally arrived!
    Veronika is having a restful weekend and could not be bothered with matching clothes, she is chillin ;) like we all do .
    It's so nice to see the sun and the flowers spilling their colourful blooms everywhere, long may it continue !
    and I love Veronika's sweater such wonderful blends of colour.

    1. It's made of two different self patterning sock wools. I thought the colours of those two balls matched very nicely.
      And Sophia gave up those trousers for a sweet summer dress, so Veronika is now wearing them!

  2. What beautiful views you have!!!! And so nice and green too. I love the flowers and really, who cares about matching clothes when you're having fun in the fresh air :)
