Von Puppen und Hunden

Von Puppen und Hunden

Sonntag, 21. Februar 2021

Eisregen / Ice rain


Gestern Nachmittag hat es angefangen, und nachts hat es weiter auf den gefrorenen Boden und den Schnee geregnet. Dazu kommt heute früh ungemütlicher dicker Nebel.

It started yesterday afternoon, and overnight it kept raining on frozen ground and snow. This morning, thick fog adds to the bleak picture.

Eve schaut entgeistert die weiße Wand an, wo seither Aussicht war.

Eve looks aghast at the white wall where there used to be a pretty view.

Mortimer! Schau mal nach ob vor dem Haus was von der Welt übrig ist!

Mortimer! Have a look if there is some of the world left in front of the house!

Das ist gar nicht so einfach. Auf dem Schnee ist eine glitscheglatte Eisschicht. Mortimer kann kaum stehen.

That‘s far from easy. There‘s a slippery coat of ice on top of the snow. Mortimer has difficulties standing.

Das ist die Straße. Offensichtlich wurde sie nicht geräumt.

This is the road. It has obviously not been cleared.

Da fahren wir in nächster Zeit nirgends hin.

We won‘t drive anywhere for the next hours.

Man könnte glatt Hüttenkoller kriegen. Aber wir doch nicht! Schließlich haben wir Freunde.

This could make you get cabin fever! But not us! We do have friends.

Ja, den Hund, aber vor allem die Käthe Kruse Mädels. Lieschen! Betty!

Yes, the dog, but first of all the Käthe Kruse girls. Lieschen! Betty!

Wir können Verstecken spielen. Snoby sucht.

We can play hide and seek. Snoby will seek.

Auf die Plätze – fertig – los!

Ready – steady – go!


6 Kommentare:

  1. Bääh was ein Wetter! Gut wenn man Freunde hat zum spielen...

    Uuuh what a bad wheather! Abd so good to have friends to spend time with!

    1. Das Wetter war unterirdisch.
      The weather was abysmal.

  2. Oh my goodness that weather is not good and the road looks treacherous, please be careful when going anywhere in that. I definitely think that your plan to play hide and seek inside is a good one.

    1. In fact, we had to drive home that very day - but in the afternoon, it had gotten warm enough to get the car out of the driveway (which is a bit on the steep side). We're still here to talk about it... the larger roads were free and clean.

  3. Ice rain on top of laying snow ! Terrible! Thank goodness they can stay home and play with their Kathe Kruse friends and Snoby

    1. To walk the dogs, we had to put ice spikes under the soles of our shoes. Luckily, I had bought two pairs some time ago... We'd never needed them before, but they made the dachshunds' day. (And ours...)
