Übers Wochenende bin ich mit den Dackeln auf einem Agiturnier in der Nähe. Rick durfte mit, um seine neuen Shorts vorzuführen.
This weekend I am attending an Agility tournament not far away. Rick's turn to show his new shorts.
Neben dem Parkplatz ist ein Fußballfeld. Schade, nichts los dort...
There's a football field next to the parking lot. Shame, nothing's going on there..
Vielleicht bring ich den Mädels dann ein paar Gänseblümchen mit?
Wie süß, Rick!
So maybe I'll pick some daisies for the girls?
How lovely, Rick!
Nice shorts, pity there wasn't a football match that he could have watched or, maybe even joined in!
AntwortenLöschenBut at least he has been able to get out in the fresh air and wear his new shorts.
There was an American Football game the other day - sadly, Rick missed that. He would have loved it!