Auf Ebay gab es einen Doucet, und ich bin schon eine Weile virtuell um ihn herum geschlichen, aber ich kann nicht alles haben was mir gefällt! Meine Sashas haben sich auch über das wesentlich preiswertere Teil gefreut, das ich für sie ersteigert habe.
There was a Doucet on German Ebay, and for a while I watched it - but I won't always have what I want! My Sashas also were pleased with the much simpler pram that my budget allowed.
Er ist laut Verkäufer aus den 60ern, ich hätte allerdings eher auf 70er getippt, und er wurde von der Firma Plasty hergestellt. Nichts Besonderes, aber sehr gut erhalten und eine gute Größe.
The seller wrote it were from the 60s, but I believe it's rather 70s, made by the German Plasty company (which also sold the wannabe-Barbie "Petra"). Not very posh, but in good condition and a nice size.
Sophia hat beschlossen dass sie ihn schieben darf, weil er so gut zu ihrem Outfit passt. Schnuffi ist begeistert - endlich mal hoch oben!
Sophia decided she's gonna push it first, since it matches her outfit so nicely. Schnuffi is delighted to be so high up at last!
Leider war das Wetter in den letzten Tagen grauslich. Deshalb promeniert Sophia auf dem Fensterbrett unseres Schlafzimmers auf und ab. Dadurch kommt wenigstens der Flieder zur Geltung!
The weather last week was frightful, so Sophia promenades on our bedroom window sill. Our lilac tree provides a nice background.
Weil ich sowieso schon oben war, habe ich auch das neueste Ergebnis meiner Schuhmacherkünste fotografiert.
Being upstairs with the camera, I also took photos of my newest attempts at shoe making.
Diese Haferlschuhe sind aus Glattleder und haben Sohlen aus dickerem Leder. Hurra mein Männe hatte wirklich noch welches! Nur wenn ich das aufgebraucht habe, bin ich ein bisschen ratlos, wo neues herkommen soll. Oberleder wär genug da, ich habe einen Posten Muster für Ledercouches. Alle in Grau- und Brauntönen, das meiste recht dunkel - schade dass es so wenige rosa oder blassgrüne Ledersofas gibt!
These Haferlschuhe are from patent leather and their soles are made of thick leather my husband provided. He's a genius! But I'll use it up in no time and don't have an idea what to do then. I've got plenty for the uppers; I was given some leather furniture samples years ago. All browns and greys, most of them dark - a shame there are so few pink or light green leather couches!
Ein drittes Paar ging an meine Mutter, als Muttertagsgeschenk und damit ihr "Sasha Gregor" nicht ständig in zu reichlichen Mädchenschuhen herumstehen muss...
A third pair I gave to my mother as Mother's Day present, so her boy "Sasha Gregor" needn't wear too-large girls shoes any more...
That is a lovely pram/pushchair, just perfect for Sasha. Sophia looks lovely in her outfit pushing it - the colours really are a great match.
AntwortenLöschenYour shoes look great, just right for the boys.
Thank you! And now I know the right English translation for "Sportwagen" - what a pushchair is called in German. As the word also means "sports car", that was all the online dictionary offered ;)
LöschenI solved my shoe sole leather problem, I found thicker leather at Ebay and it was really cheap. So I can go on with shoemaking - as soon as my sewing machine has recovered. It doesn't like those seams in leather at all!
I think you've done brilliantly with the shoes, they are very good...I love the style of them.
AntwortenLöschenThe pushchair is the perfect size. And what better occupant than the little dog ;)
Thank you! I'll still have to adjust the shoes pattern, as the heel doesn't look 100% as I would like it, but I'm so pleased they fit at last!
LöschenYes Schnuffi also believes he belongs in that pushchair...
You are doing a great job with the shoes. I own only a couple of pairs of shoes and some boots for myself, but my dolls have MANY! I think my boys can never have enough footwear and they seem to enjoy all of the choices they have when they change their outfits.